
Sudan's crisis echoes atrocities of its past, requiring urgent global intervention to save lives.

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In this interview, AFSC’s Libby Chase explores how governments and authorities are increasingly trying to silence civil society—including online.

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AFSC’s Pan Valley Institute (PVI) celebrates its latest cohort of ArteVism fellows.

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Congress is proposing cruel cuts to food assistance. Let’s stop that from happening.

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There are numerous rescue ships operating in the Mediterranean, however not enough to deal with the number of people in danger along one of the most dangerous migratory routes in the world.After the termination of the Mare Nostrum program in 2014, the Civil Fleet, the civilian fleet of monitoring and rescue ships active in the Mediterranean, has become practically the only resource for those risking their lives during the dangerous illegal crossing. The stretch of sea that extends from Libya or Tunisia to Italy represents a lethal physical barrier, especially for makeshift wooden or rubber boats, often recycled several times by traffickers.Until 2014, the Mare Nostrum operation, started in 2013 in response to the increase in shipwrecks in the Sicilian channel, it had a double mission:guarantee rescue at sea and criminally prosecute those who profit from the illegal trafficking of migrants.Shortly after the end of Mare Nostrum, replaced by Triton in 2014 - a European rather than jus...

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Of foreigners residing in Italy at least half they are women;in 2021, approximately 2.6 million women with foreign citizenship were registered, a number equal to 50.9% of the entire foreign population resident in our country.Since the 1970s, women have begun to arrive in Italy with an emancipatory migration project in mind.To date, however, the well-being and rights status of foreign women in our country are seriously compromised, as illustrated bylatest report of the Idos Study and Research Center. To understand women's rights in Italy today, an intersectional approach is necessary, that is, having to consider the multiplicity of aspects that are part of our identities and the ways in which these intertwine, creating disadvantages or privileges.Intersectionality is based on the assumption that discrimination against non-white women, LGBTQIA+ and disadvantaged class subjects is multiplying;it was the African American activists who forcefully stated that there are multiple hegemonic...

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