
Photovoltaic windows are cutting-edge windows that convert sunlight into electricity.They are equipped with thin layers of photovoltaic cells integrated into the glass.It is precisely thanks to this advanced technology that they are able to transform buildings equipped with it into autonomous sources of energy production.This type of window

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Coltan is a rare but indispensable mineral in the energy transition.Its supply chain, however, must become more sustainable.

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Portugal produced more energy than its needs from renewable sources for 149 hours straight:a record.The comparison with Italy is merciless.

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Among Donald Trump's favorite topics, in addition to the deranged conspiracy theory according to which he won the last presidential elections, there is one that might surprise some:concerns wind turbines.

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During COP28 in Dubai, Arab representatives of OPEC met in Doha to form a united front against the phase out of fossil fuels.

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The enormous reserves of natural fuels formed during the evolution of our planet, sedimented in the depths of the earth's crust and preserved there for millions of years, we are burning all of them in a century.Oil, coal and methane gas today cover 80% of the world's energy needs;another approximately 6% is covered by fissile material (essentially

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Fossil fuel producers reject International Energy Agency accusations:“Don't point fingers.”But in the meantime they invest only 1% in clean energy.

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