
The luxury cruise ship business entails increasingly devastating environmental and climate impacts.Yet it continues to grow immeasurably.

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Coupé, only two doors, born in 1969, the Ford Capri left the scene in 1986.Much loved in England and Germany, today it is back revised and corrected.And, for the first time, electric.

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Compact dimensions and affordable prices are the only way to increase the adoption (and profitability) of electric.And while the USA prepares to say goodbye to the gigantism of the car, in Italy the Panda...

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Pierfrancesco Favino tells himself to L'Automobile and talks about his relationship with the car, the profound meaning of travel, his Rome and that recurring dream...

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The S3 e-bike weighs only 15 kg, an interesting innovation in the bicycle sector.Let's discover together the characteristics of this medium and the qualities of bamboo.

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What future for the electric car after the European elections?While anticipation grows regarding future political choices, 10 solutions for competitive and decarbonised mobility.

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After the summer break comes a September full of events:lots of cycle tourism but also fairs and urban events for those who love cycling.Our selection.

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