Pet bonus 2024, who can benefit from it and how


The bonus dedicated to pets is arriving this year.To obtain it, however, some fundamental conditions must be respected.Let's see which ones

  • A bonus dedicated to pet care is planned for 2024.
  • However, it is reserved only for a certain category of owners.
  • A law decree from the Ministry of Health will explain the details in a few months.

This is a pleasant novelty for those who love animals, but are unable to enjoy their company due to financial problems.Among the innovations that are part of the text of financial maneuver which came into force this year, there is also the introduction of an economic fund aimed specifically at a specific person bonuses concerning pets in support of owners who have however completed 65 years of age and have a Isee less than 16.215 euros per year.

bonus cani
A dog or a cat are traditional members of Italian families © Pixabay

The pet bonus can help those in difficulty

Currently the presence of a pet is almost a constant in Italian families and it is estimated that they are the ones under 60 to benefit from the company of a dog, a cat or another member of the varied world of pets.But, for many people, facing without problems the care and expenses inherent to the introduction of a companion of this type into the household are decidedly too onerous.The bonus, therefore, would have a dual purpose:on the one hand, to support pet owners in the purchase of any medications, and on the other, to help them also pay for veterinary visits and surgical operations.This is also a way to facilitate adoptions and the emptying of kennels and gods catteries giving our abandoned four-legged friends the chance to find a family again.

In Italy, a cat is more often chosen as a four-legged life companion © Pixabay

Waiting for the decree law

Following the entry into force of the Budget Law 2024, it will then be up to the Ministry of Health the publication of a specific ad hoc decree to clarify from when it will be possible to apply to receive the bonus.The one relating to pets will not be granted only for the year 2024, but the government has foreseen the allocation of funds from 2024 until 2026, with an annual sum equal to 250 thousand euros.

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