
90% of Italians feel "forced" to use the car due to inefficient public transport and poor urban planning.

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Elettra Car Sharing and the Municipality of Genoa inaugurate an innovative pilot project of sustainable and shared mobility at city level.

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Italy and France reiterate their commitment to high speed, while Salvini fears China on electric.Forward on sustainable fuels for aviation.

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A draft directive has been approved by the European Parliament:the new “mega-trucks” will be able to weigh up to 60 tons.

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After the announcement last December, the electric E-3008 is now available in dealerships;from access to incentives to real autonomy, up to the strong attention to comfort, we tell you everything in our test.

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Highway Code, demonstrations in over 40 cities against the revision advanced by the MIT.The request:safety of people and more liveable cities.

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Lombardy is the first region for charging stations, Campania records the greatest increase.Our country does not disappoint in comparison with European nations.

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