
The Regusto platform allows companies to donate surpluses, or sell them at symbolic prices, to non-profit organizations throughout Italy.

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For International Students' Day, we take stock of specific learning disabilities (SLD) and the support offered by technology.

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From salmon to mozzarella, there are valid plant-based alternatives to our traditional foods.We tell you five of them for World Vegan Day.

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StepsConnect is the new platform that offers an innovative solution to recruiting challenges, leveraging technology and social media.

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A satellite equipped with solar cells has been operating in orbit around the Earth for six years.The researchers aim to develop the technology.

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New technologies are transforming education and learning;here are the trends and successful startups in the edtech sector.

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Rumors about the possibility of darkening the sun to save the climate and other forms of geoengineering are becoming more and more insistent, but Europe isn't buying it.

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