
The data on the organic market exhibited at Sana in Bologna tells of a recovery in domestic consumption and of Italians who would like to be more informed about organic products.

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In Sicily the harvest lasts over three months and is the point of arrival of the entire agronomic year.We talk about it with Federico Lombardo from Monte Iato and with the winemaker Giovanni Manzo from Firriato.

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According to Orthodox Jewish authorities and sharia experts, cultured meat can be kosher and halal if it meets certain production criteria.

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Do you remember when in recent months and years there was great emphasis on the impact of industrial agriculture on the soil, on aquifers, on the air and finally on climate change?Do you remember the citizens' protests against the massive and senseless use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers responsible for the current environmental contamination?It was said:“we are earth”, we must change paradigm

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Climate changes have effects on agricultural production, so in the south traditional crops are replaced by tropical fruit crops.

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