American staffordshire terrier, let's get to know him better for a peaceful coexistence


The American Staffordshire Terrier – Amstaff – is a guard and personal defense dog, often accused of aggression.Let's get to know him better

  • The American Staffordshire Terrier is a dog selected in America in the last century.
  • Agile, but massive, he is an excellent guard and defense dog.
  • However, careful education and a firm hand are necessary to manage it in the best way.
american staffordshire terrier
The American Staffordshire Terrier is a dog often used for defense and guarding © Pixabay

THE'american staffordshire terrier it is an American breed recognized way back 1936.The first standard was drawn up byAmerican Kennel Club (AKC) taking the famous as an example Colby First, a american pitbull terrier of the bloodline of the same name (the breeder selected dogs of this type recognized by other kennel clubs at the beginning of the twentieth century).These four-legged animals are born from crosses between molossoid subjects and other terrier-type subjects, created in England for fighting bulls (bull baiting).Dog fighting was exported at the same time as the English colonized North America, and this is where the name of the breed comes from american pit bull terrier.In the 1884 the American Kennel Club had been formed, in fact, for the protection of "pure" dog breeds (therefore the result of mating, not with crosses of other breeds) and the AKC asked to change the name of the breed, replacing the term pit (arena) with staffordshire terrier.The selection of the Amstaff was based on elegance and morphology, and the dog became a companion due to its docile character, and a show dog due to its beauty.

american staffordshire terrier
An intelligent and tenacious dog, the Amstaff is also a trusty four-legged companion © Pixabay

American staffordshire terrier, a dog of respect

The Amstaff is a strong, elegant dog, aware of its power and qualities.Of an affectionate and docile nature with the members of his family - be they animals or people - he can become a bitter adversary for ill-intentioned people or those perceived as such.His courage and daring are proverbial.The Amstaff is, in fact, an excellent watchdog, as well as being a faithful and devoted companion in the home.Suffice it to say that many American Staffordshire Terriers are used, successfully, for the pet therapy.However, it is a breed that needs a firm hand and, possibly, appropriate education from the first months of life.The Amstaff's tendency to be dominant must be channeled and guided so as to become an asset and not a flaw.A good one dog educator or a behaviorist it will be an important help especially for those who are having their first dog training experience.

A puppy of incredible sweetness © Pixabay

Illness and well-being

The Amstaff is a rather dog stocky, even if overall he has well-proportioned muscles.It's from medium size: males are tall from 46 to 48 cm, while females are slightly smaller.The weight of the adult varies between 13 and i 17 kg.The nose is black, the eyes are round, distant and dark.The ears are set high and are often erect.American Staffordshire Terriers have, like almost all large and medium-sized dogs, the problem of hip dysplasia and the elbow which, if not identified in time, could compromise their well-being and development.

Explain the Dr. Alessandro Passalacqua, veterinary doctor and physiotherapy expert: “Choosing a trusted breeder and orthopedic advice from specialized vets can make the difference in the case of the American Staffordshire Terrier.Pay attention, therefore, to any symptoms in the first months of the puppy's life, such as lameness and easy tiredness, which could suggest a problem of this type".The amstaff is also subject tocerebellar ataxia, a hereditary neurological disease that affects the cerebellum resulting in motor coordination difficulties.In the breed, ocular pathologies such as cataract.

Amstaff needs a steady wrist in the first months of life ©Pixabay

 Breeding, but also a purebred rescue

As with all breeds with dominant characteristics, the American Staffordshire Terrier is a dog that must be understood and trained according to its function, which is mainly that of a guard and defense dog.In Italy the breed has enjoyed great popularity, but when choosing a puppy it is always best to rely on expert and qualified breeders who can guarantee advice and information especially for the first years of the little one's life.A rescue is also active for the amstaff – Pittbul&Amstaff Rescue Italia – which collects abandoned dogs or litters without owners.Adopting a dog is an imperative, especially if there are many strays or in shelters to guarantee a family and a happy existence.

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