Plastiz recycled plastic panels bring the circular economy to designer furnishings


From plastic waste to designer furniture:Plastiz is an Italian startup working for the circular economy.

Below the level of every surface, there is always something deeper.For example, the relationship, the impact, the bond of responsibility between everything we do and the world around us.In the vast panorama of sustainable innovation of which Italian industry fortunately is also the driving force, it exists Plastiz, which aims to make environmental responsibility in the furnishing materials sector its flagship.Founded as a direct response to the enormous problem of plastic waste, this startups Italian company has quickly established itself as a pioneer in the use of advanced technologies to transform what we would otherwise have mistakenly defined as waste into high-quality materials.

The need for alternative materials to plastic

With beyond 400 million tons of plastic produced worldwide every year, according to data from United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), the urgency of finding sustainable alternatives becomes more and more evident every day.Here you are:Plastiz presents itself as an answer to this challenge.Born from Izmade social enterprise, a design and architecture studio that designs and creates furnishings and installations combining innovation, sustainability and design.This reality also collaborates with Precious Plastic, a global community of research and sharing on the recycling of plastic and the use of energy from renewable sources.

Since 2011, the furniture industry has seen a 200 percent increase in the use of certified sustainable materials, according to Sustainable furnishings council. This trend highlights not only a greater environmental awareness among consumers, but also a growing demand for innovative solutions such as those offered by Plastiz.

The practical applications and ecological vision of Plastiz

The Turin company produces panels with marble-like finishes, but lighter and cheaper, waterproof and wear-resistant, thus able to adapt to any project.Applications range from interior coverings to furniture:Notable examples include tables made from recycled plastic and custom, functional and sustainable furniture or wall coverings.Products that respond to practical needs, but are also expressions of contemporary design and ecological awareness.

Plastiz offers a diverse range of recycled plastic panels, with finishes ranging from the contemporary textures of the panels in the collection Pixel to the shine and resistance of the panels in the collection Gup there, inspired by the transparency of glass but with the lightness of recycled plastic, passing through the Marble, which gives the surfaces that shiny and solid marble effect.Finally, the vast possibility of customization allows us to satisfy the specific needs of customers.

Due texture che fanno parte della collezione Marble: il Marquinia e il Popcorn.
Two textures that are part of the Marble collection:Marquinia and Popcorn © Plastiz

At the heart of Plastiz there is a clear mission:contribute tocircular economy transforming plastic waste into products of high quality and aesthetic value.As in the case of the two textures that are part of the Marble collection, the Marquinia and the Popcorn which – explains the startup – are made entirely from waste from the production of refrigerators, hangers and plastic tableware.The material, now outside the production cycles for which they were originally intended, is transformed into secondary raw material in the form of granules or ground and then in panels with marble-like finishes that adapt to any project and above all are 100 percent recycled and recyclable.


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