15 and 16 June, the National Cycle Tourism Days are coming



A weekend to discover the territories by bicycle, with rides throughout Italy and a conference dedicated to the EuroVelo itineraries.The National Cycle Tourism Days organized by Fiab and Active Italy are back.

Born in 2021, the National cycle tourism days in addition to being an occasion for celebration and aggregation, they have the purpose of promote active tourism, bringing people to discover the territories by bicycle thanks to a cycling program organized throughout Italy and creating a moment of reflection on the topic with a public conference open to all.The initiative is from Fiab-Italian Environment and Bicycle Federation and of Active Italy, the network of companies committed to the development of active and sustainable tourism, which dedicate this edition to EuroVelo cycle routes.

The EuroVelo itineraries at the center of the 2024 National Cycle Tourism Days

The project is also gaining ground in Italy EuroVelo, the largest cross-border cycle route network in the world.A visionary and ambitious project born in 1997 by will of Ecf, European Cyclists' Federation, to connect territories and nations.The network is made up of seventeen long-distance cycle routes and at the end of the work it will come to count 90 thousand kilometers of routes through 42 countries.

In Portugal on the Atlantic coast route (EV1) @ecf

EuroVelo's objectives:

  • Ensure the implementation of high-quality European-wide cycle routes in all European countries by disseminating good practices and harmonizing standards.
  • Communicate the existence of these routes to policy makers and potential users, promote and market their use and provide a reference point for disseminating active mobility in Europe.
  • Encourage more and more European citizens to try cycling, promoting healthy and sustainable mobility for daily travel and cycle tourism.

The EuroVelo itineraries in Italy and the role of Fiab

I am there are four EuroVelo itineraries that cross Italy for a total of approximately five thousand kilometres:there Romea Francigena cycle route (EV-5), with 3,200 kilometers from London to Puglia;there Ciclovia del Sole (EV-7), from North Cape to Malta for 7,700 kilometres;there Mediterranean cycle path (EV-8) with over 7,000 kilometers from southern Spain to Cyprus along the sea;a small section of the Baltic-Adriatic (EV-9).With the approval of the general cycling mobility plan (PGMC), these itineraries are recognized as an integral part of the national Bicitalia network and, for some time, some regional and local administrations have been working towards their implementation.

cicloturismo, EuroVelo
Italy is crossed by four EuroVelo itineraries © Aurélie Stapf

In his role as EuroVelo national coordinator in Italy since 2011, Fable has decided to inaugurate the 2024 National Cycle Tourism Days with a online conference Friday 14 June entitled:“EuroVelo, the European cycle route network.State of the art and prospects in Italy".“The conference intends to talk about the state of the art of the EuroVelo network in Italy and the related best practices, but also to promote greater synergy between Fiab, Regions and other public and private entities – he explains Antonio Dalla Venezia, head of the technical-scientific committee of Fiab Bicitalia.– The objective is, in fact, to establish an Italian EuroVelo coordination center within this year aimed at an integrated development of the governance of itineraries in our country".The conference is open to all, just sign up.

Cycle tourism in Italy, a growing sector

Cycling tourism brings great benefits to the health of people and communities and promotes sustainable lifestyles, as also underlined by the "manifest" of the National Cycle Tourism Days.This is a constantly growing sector with record numbers in 2023:56.8 million visitors of cycle tourists in Italy according to the Viaggiare con la bici 2024 survey by Isnart-Legambiente (+4% compared to 2019) with a direct economic impact estimated at over 5.5 billion euros (+35% on 2022 and +19% on 2019, the year that represented the peak of Italian tourism in the last decade).

cicloturismo, canale Villoresi
Along the Villoresi canal, a few kilometers from Milan© Valerio Montieri

The June 15th and 16th, on the occasion of the National Cycle Tourism Days, the Fiab associations scattered throughout Italy organize rides and initiatives thanks to the volunteers who accompany those who want to try an experience like this.Excursions through woods and flowery meadows, along waterways or to discover villages and museums with activities that often also involve local companies for tastings and workshops.The complete calendar – constantly updated – is available on the website Dedicated Fiab.

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