Health, care also involves the quality of life of patients.Three startups that support it with technologies


For International Nurses Day, here are three innovative startups that improve the quality of life of patients thanks to technologies.

  • On the occasion of International Nurses Day, we highlight the importance of patients' quality of life.
  • The startups Ippokrates, Meedox and Ninacare offer innovative tools to facilitate treatment and assistance paths.

May 12th is celebrated International Nurses Day, dedicated to the figure par excellence for patient support.It is no coincidence that May 12th also marks the birth of Florence Nightingale, the British nurse who applied the scientific method to the nursing role, laying the foundations of modern nursing.In addition to professional, the anniversary can also take on a social value, with a specific reference to quality of life of patients.This is a very fruitful area in terms of study and investigation:just think of the quantity of scientific articles created on the subject, equal to more than 17 thousand publications every year.

What is meant by quality of life for patients

According to the World Health Organization, the quality of life (Quality of life, QoL) represents the "perception that individuals have of their position in life [...]", taking into account multiple factors, both objective and subjective.The state of health has a significant impact on the quality of daily life, taking the form, in the presence of a pathology, as an aspect in its own right (Health-related Quality of life, HrQoL).

But what are the parameters to define the QoL of sick subjects?Without a doubt the intensity of the related symptoms, but also a certain level of autonomy, family emotional support and inclusion in different social spheres.Lastly, and certainly not least important, the more or less optimal management of the pathology stands out, including the adequacy of treatments, the possibility of obtaining immediate treatment and the simplicity of access procedures.Currently, quality of life is assessed with questionnaires specific, such as the one created by the Eortc (European organization for research and treatment of cancer) for cancer patients, known as Qlq-C30.Translated into more than 100 languages, the questionnaire has been used, to date, in over 5 thousand studies.

The commitment of Three startups, part of the ecosystem LifeGate Way, which offer innovative technologies to meet the needs of patients.

Qualità della vita dei pazienti
Patients' quality of life is determined by the extent of symptoms, but not only © Viktoria Korobova/iStockphoto

3 startups to support patients' quality of life


Technological progress has influenced several professional aspects, including doctor-patient interactions.Fluid and constantly evolving, the telemedicine is the concrete expression of this trend.It has intuitive advantages, but also some problems.Among the critical issues of existing platforms, we highlight the poorly structured heterogeneity of the participating medical class, the poor assistance for the user and the hastiness of teleconsultations.

The startup Hippokrates intervenes on these elements to provide a quality service, based on the concepts of network, flexibility And innovation.With its telemedicine platform, Ippokrates offers high level specialists for specific needs, providing an agile and intuitive teleconsultation tool.Structured on the most recent technologies, the platform is modular and scalable, with a view to project growth and integration with various remote monitoring devices.Thanks to the partnership with the cooperative Osa (associated healthcare workers), which boasts around 50 thousand clients, Ippokrates will also occupy an important role in home care.


Treating yourself and doing prevention is the sine qua condition not to protect your own well-being.But preparing all the necessary documents can be difficult, requiring organizational efforts and tedious tasks.The entrepreneurial idea of ​​is placed in this context Meedox, which offers an interesting practical solution.It's about an ecosystem of apps, the purpose of which is to simplify your healthcare life of users.

The application uCare, which is the heart of the project, allows you to digitize paper material relating to therapies, tests, medical records and so on, with the aim of making them tidy and always available when necessary.Health documents are archived and organized in chronological order, within a shareable clinical profile.In the Premium version, among other things, it is possible to manage the documents of the entire family unit.Overall, Meedox intends to create an efficient connection network, capable of connect patients with doctors, but also with pharmacies on the territory, hospitals And healthcare professionals.

Future versions of uCare will be enhanced with several features.Specifically, it will be possible to share the requested information with the doctor, book visits (including via telemedicine) and purchase medicines, as well as submit documents to insurance bodies, manage the clinical paths of pets, and much more.


The well-being of the person with illness does not ignore the impeccable efficiency of the healthcare sector.This last aspect is as obvious as it is insidious.The growing professional specialization requires adequate economic recognition, which is also in line with an adequate workload. The health of patients, on the other hand, constitutes the crucial purpose, requiring real, documentable and effective skills.

Ninacare it's the project that does it point of connection between healthcare facilities and professionals of the sector, matching supply and demand according to reliability criteria.Specifically, Ninacare is the first Italian platform which puts companies looking for staff and various sector figures in contact (e.g.:nurse, speech therapist, physiotherapist, etc.).Completely free of charge, the platform allows the professional to register and create a searchable profile.At the same time, the professional can apply to job offers published by healthcare facilities.These too, among other things, may have a registration process.All profiles are subjected to appropriate verification by the company's human resources department.The ads are complete with geographic location, job description and compensation.Through targeted partnerships, Ninacare offers also services for professionals, such as Fad Ecm courses, online accountant and civil liability insurance coverage.


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