Puppy yoga:what it is and why it was banned in Italy



Puppy yoga combines practice with the presence of puppy dogs in the room.Controversial for years, it has been banned in Italy by the Ministry of Health.

  • Puppy yoga is a type of practice that combines asana with the presence of puppy dogs in the shala (the room where it is practiced) and, in the moment of relaxation, involves cuddling the animals and doing pet therapy.
  • Animal rights associations have long denounced the distortions of this trend and a British TV investigation last July highlighted how animal welfare was totally disregarded by yoga schools.
  • On April 29, the Ministry of Health, following a complaint to the Milan prosecutor's office by an environmentalist association, published a note banning the practice of puppy yoga in Italy.

Like all popular trends overseas, the puppy yoga it's not something we invented in Italy, but we inherited it from United States And Canada and from United Kingdom.But now the Ministry of Health has imposed a stop for this type of yoga which, essentially, consists of practicing in one shala (the room where yoga is practiced) in the presence of puppy dogs.In the initial phase of the puppy yoga class, the puppies are free to interact with the practitioners while, in the moment of relaxation, there is a session of cuddles and pet therapy.Leaving aside the fact that yoga is a thousand-year-old practice and a philosophy and that today we are witnessing an infinite and often senseless quantity of its commercial derivatives designed for the use and consumption of social media, this specific one has been targeted for years by activists who fight for the protection of puppies.

Puppy yoga
The puppies are often left without water to prevent them from peeing during practice and are prevented from sleeping and being with their mother, who needs care © iStock

The shadows of puppy yoga and the ITV investigation

Animal rights activists and activists have always denounced it:puppy yoga is a form of exploitation of animals.Puppies should interact with other puppies and be cared for by their mother, excessive interactions with humans are not good for them, as is being subjected to any form of stress.But not only:already in July 2023 an investigation by the British television ITV in the United Kingdom and Ireland had revealed thedisturbing treatment reserved for puppies, left without drinking to prevent them from doing their business during the lesson, or forced not to sleep to play with those present.

The video investigation examined some yoga schools in Essex, Liverpool and Nottingham in which puppies just a few weeks old were kept crowded together in a single room without water or food waiting for the arrival of clients who, once the class begins, expect to play with the puppies who are repeatedly woken up when they try to sleep.

Also in the Anglo-Saxon world, the "Doga" or dog yoga, which consists of practicing together with your dog:hence other declensions such as kitty yoga, yoga done with cats, and, indeed, puppy yoga.However, in the world there are also the beer yoga – a type of practice in which asanas and sips of beer alternate – but also yoga disc – where we practice in lurex outfits and dance – yoga on the top (stand up paddleboard) or on horseback.Two Texan instructors even invented theHarry Potter Yoga with asanas with names set as Whomping Willow, Upward Health And Reverse Wizard guided by the two complete with a magic wand.How little all this has to do with the age-old practice of yoga is evident but, as long as it remains within the limits of an offer of entertainment like any other, no harm done:the problem is when animals are involved and their well-being cannot be guaranteed.

puppy yoga
Puppy yoga is a derivation of dog yoga, or "doga", which consists of doing yoga together with your dog © i Stock

The situation in Italy and the ban by the Ministry of Health

In Italy, puppy yoga has been at the center of the debate in recent weeks, ever since the animal rights association Lndc animal protection presented one complaint at the Milan prosecutor's office if possible mistreatment of animals.Separate puppies too early from their mothers due to activities not suited to their nature, bring them into unsuitable environments, subject them to travel and travel stressful and above all forcing them to play all day are the reasons that led to the activists' action which led to the decision of the Ministry of Health on April 29th.

The note published by general direction of the Ministry of Health on the puppy yoga issue, it has declared the classes of this practice illegal and invites the Regions to keep watch so that these practices are not organized and sold.The reason lies in the fact that:“Puppy yoga sessions (yoga with puppy dogs) are configured as an intervention with recreational-recreational and socialization purposes aimed at improving the person's quality of life and well-being.This activity therefore falls within the scope of activities help with animals which requires that the animals involved in are exclusively adult subjects, a necessary condition to protect their health and well-being, as well as the safety of the user.Any yoga activity carried out with the presence of puppies is therefore prohibited throughout the national territory while any activity with adult dogs requires the obligation of authorization from the ATS veterinary and food safety department".

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