Regenerative tourism:with Orma Guides, travelers can leave a positive impact on the area


Orma Guides is an urban digital guide platform that brings together services, venues and actions to support local communities.

  • Regenerative tourism goes beyond reducing impact:plans to leave a positive impact on the area and the local community.
  • Orma Guides is a startup that, for each city, brings together experiences, attractions, services, shops and venues with a social and environmental impact.
  • The service is already active in Milan, Palermo, Venice, Barcelona and London, but will soon be extended to other territories.

2024?It will be the year of regenerative tourism.That is, that form of travel that seeks to leave a positive impact, through actions in favor of the territory and the local community visited.The forecast comes out of Sustainable tourism forum, the meeting organized in Padua by Global sustainable tourism council Italy working group. Taking one step further than ecotourism and reducing impact, this tourism model aims to improve places through virtuous actions that generate well-being.But how to put this principle into practice?To provide useful information, addresses and instructions Orma Guides, one digital guide platform with social impact.

Orma Guides, the startup aimed at aware tourists

The name of this startup, founded by Giulia Canini, Simone Rigoni And Federico Gavioli, it's already a program:it doesn't just mean reducing one's footprint but, indeed, leaving a positive mark.He tells us about it Giulia Canini, born in 1997, as chief marketing officer and digital nomad for passion, study and work.“How was Orma Guides born?We realized how strong the demand was for travel more sustainably and responsibly.A need present in many travelers (around 80 percent according to various surveys) who however declare that they do not have the tools to do so".Precisely to make up for this lack, experienced by herself during her travels, an instrument capable of bring together all the experiences, attractions, services, shops and venues with a social and environmental impact.“All information that one has to look for on different platforms and that we have brought together in an app, making responsible travel accessible to everyone”.

City suitable for responsible travellers

Milan, Palermo, Venice, Barcelona And London.These are just some of the large cities mapped by the startup, to which they will soon be added Berlin and Valencia in Europe, as well as Florence and Rome.“The idea of ​​creating urban guides was born from the fact that the problem of over-tourism is created precisely in cities.Tourists therefore become a problem, because the services are only interested in them, losing sight of the residents", continues Giulia Canini.“I saw it for example in Barcelona, ​​where graffiti with the writing appeared Tourist go home, but it would also be enough to think of Venice.Instead, we would like to ensure that tourists are responsible and take positive actions in the cities they visit, supporting the local economy."How are guides created?“To map cities we use a city manager, a person who knows the area well and shares our values, providing us with the list of places and actions in line with Orma”.

Orma Guides schermate
Some screenshots of the Orma Guides app

The contents of Orma Guides, from accommodation to volunteering initiatives

Orma Guides' urban guides are divided by theme.There are the accommodation in Stay; bars, shops and restaurants in Locally; the initiatives of volunteering Of Take action; The green corners in Earthy and the gems to discover off the usual routes in Cultures.

“Actions that create a positive social and environmental impact can be regenerative for the city.If the tourist, instead of going to drink a coffee in a large chain, goes to a place managed by an NGO, he is already making a change".Any expert advice?“My favorite place is Mescladis:a super nice place in Barcelona run by an NGO that provides employment to migrants.Or Rob de Matt in Milan, a restaurant and bistro that employs disadvantaged people.Basically, when I travel and I have to buy something in a shop or a bar, why not do it in a place that has a social impact?”, says the co-founder.In short, no sensational actions are needed:i too small daily gestures they have their own importance.


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