Sestre, the startup that develops supplements for fertility and female well-being


Nutraceuticals, scientific research and technology are the tools with which Sestre wants to improve the quality of life of women.

  • In Italy, 15 percent of couples have infertility problems.
  • The Apulian startup Sestre produces supplements based on natural extracts of foods typical of the Mediterranean diet, capable of promoting pregnancy and treating hormonal dysfunctions.
  • In addition to taking care of women with its nutraceuticals, Sestre assists them throughout the treatment period thanks to a special platform.
  • The startup also raises awareness on sensitive issues such as endometriosis and vulvodynia.

According to data fromHigher Institute of Health, in Italy 15 percent of couples have infertility problems, that is, she is unable to conceive after 12-24 months of unprotected sexual intercourse.In approximately 35-40 percent of cases, procreation difficulties are mainly female, due to various types of causes.The Apulian startup Sestre produces supplements specific for preserve fertility and treat hormonal dysfunctions, to support women in achieving their goals;of maternity, and beyond.

Data on infertility in Italy

The latest data from the Higher Institute of Statistics (Istat) on the birth rate confirm that Fewer and fewer children are being born in Italy.In 2022, births decreased by 1.7 percent compared to the previous year and by 31.8 percent compared to 2008.The fertility of Italian citizens remains at an all-time low, with 1.24 children per woman.The reasons are numerous and complex, but an important role is certainly played byinfertility which, in turn, can depend on various factors, such as advanced age, lifestyle, hormonal dysfunctions and specific diseases.

In a good percentage of cases, the difficulty of becoming a mother is based onendometriosis, a disease in which the cells that normally make up the endometrium (the mucosa that internally lines the uterus) develop in other locations, almost always near the tubes and ovaries (organs with a reproductive function).

Regardless of the causes, infertility can have very impactful consequences also and above all from a psychological point of view.According to the Higher Institute of Health, it can trigger disorders such as depression, anxiety, feelings of shame and failure, generating suffering that can be excruciating for the couple.

Sestre, a startup designed by and for women

Sestre is a Bosnian word meaning sisters.Sisters are not only the two founders (Sabrina Fiorentino And Silvia Fiorentino) and the two sisters who now join them on the board (Sonia Elicio And Gloria Elicio), but all the women that the startup aims to help.In fact, Sestre aspires to become the point of reference for menstrual well-being, there female fertility and the treatment of invisible diseases such as endometriosis and vulvodynia. Its mission is to improve the quality of life of women at all ages, from menarche to menopause.A social value that deserves to be part of LifeGate Way, the Italian ecosystem that supports and connects naturally sustainable startups.

Sestre develops supplements based on natural extracts obtained from foods typical of the Mediterranean diet, also known as the diet fertility.Foods such as grapes, broccoli, artichokes, fennel, tomatoes and oranges are indeed rich in epigenetic activators, substances with health-promoting properties.The formulation is carefully studied to obtain effects such as the improvement of the metabolic and hormonal profile, the increase in the quality of the oocytes, the compensation of some female deficiencies, the regularization of the menstrual cycle and therefore of ovulation:all actions that increase the chances of conception and improve female well-being.

Nutraceutical supplements for women's health

In addition to women who dream of having children, Sestre thought of those who suffer from premenstrual syndrome, intestinal dysfunctions (constipation, bloating, pain, meteorism) and inflammatory diseases, to those who do not have a regular menstrual cycle, to future and new mothers and to those who live with hormonal and metabolic alterations.Its products are also designed to raise the immune defenses, promote weight loss, rebalance the microbiota and increase libido.Furthermore, the innovative startup has created the first supplement scientifically proven to assist the treatment of endometriosis, a disabling pathology without a pharmacological therapy on the market.

Sestre nutraceuticals, sold by pharmacies, online marketplaces and e-commerce, contain raw materials selected only by Italian producers and are 100 percent natural, without genetically modified organisms (GMO), lactose, gluten, casein and nutrients harmful to the body.They are formulated from scientific research, tested through in vitro and pre-clinical tests and authorized for marketing by the Ministry of Health.Furthermore, i packaging they are eco-sustainable and zero impact.

The other services in Sestre for patients and doctors

In addition to offering nutraceuticals, Sestre supports women during treatment through a digital health service, which allows you to personalize therapies and maximize results.After carrying out simple tests, users enter a series of data on FemDiary regarding the symptoms they feel, their lifestyle and their wellbeing goals.The digital platform then processes them to find the product best suited to the needs of the individual woman, calibrate the treatment to her needs and monitor her progress.A scientific community is available to answer patients' questions and give them useful suggestions.

Finally, the innovative startup does its part for the dissemination of scientific topics very delicate, such as endometriosis and vulvodynia.The objective is to create a bridge between doctors and patients, so as to reduce the diagnosis and treatment times of so-called "invisible diseases".The recipients, therefore, are also the health professionals.Sestre provides them with tools to explore the issues of fertility, endometriosis and hormonal dysfunctions.Doctors who join the free program Sestre professional they get a series of benefits, including access to scientific conferences, supplement samples and discount codes for patients.The goal?Create a movement to promote female well-being.


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