American Akita, the large dog that resembles the legendary Hachiko


The American Akita is a large dog widespread in the States, but little known here.He is an attentive guardian and derives from the legendary Japanese Hachiko

  • The American Akita is not a very widespread breed in our country.
  • It was created by the US military and a writer who imported an akita puppy to America.
  • It is a large dog, but not suitable for everyone, which resembles Hachiko, the four-legged dog famous for his loyalty.

THE'American akita it should not be confused with the more widespread akita inu.And this is the first thing to note and keep in mind when talking about dogs of this breed.The story goes that in 1937 the American writer Helen Keller, after reading the story of Hachiko, the faithful four-legged friend who had waited for years for the return of his dead owner, visited the city of Akita to reconstruct his deeds.Hachiko had waited a long time 10 years his human companion at the station, the victim of a heart attack.His constant presence soon gave rise to the legend and fascinated writers and documentary makers from all over the world.Helen Keller was given a dog of the same breed as Hachiko by the prefecture of the Japanese town.His name was Kamikaze Go but, unfortunately, he died very young from contracting distemper.The Japanese government then gave the writer a second dog – Kenzan Go, brother of Kamikaze – who was brought by Keller to the United States.And he was the direct progenitor of the first American akitas.

akita inu
The Akita Inu breed until recently also included the American Akita © Ingimage

American Akita, the history of the breed

Retracing the history of the American akita we discover that it was the American soldiers who, at the end of the Second World War, brought the first specimens home.In the first half of ‘900 the morphology of the akita inu in Japan corresponded to today's American akita, but while at home and later also in other nations, attempts were made to return to what is believed to be the original type, in Anglo-Saxon countries instead, the so-called large Japanese dog, that is, today's American akita.

It must be kept in mind in the vicissitudes of the American akita that, to bring some order into the chaos of the akita breed, two distinct lines were initially differentiated:that Ichinoseki and the Dewa.

The dogs that the US military brought to the States at the end of World War II were largely descended from the Dewa line.

In 2001 the International Cynological Federation, recognized the breed as separate from the akita inu, initially, with the name of large Japanese dog, and included in the second group, that of molossoids, afterwards, in 2005, it was then renamed American akita and moved to fifth group, that of type dogs spitz. While theAmerican Kennel Club continues to consider the akita a single breed.

akita amricano
The American akita is a rare and well-known breed in Italy © Pixabay

The breed standard

The American Akita is a large dog - males are almost 60kg – and impressive in appearance.Selected for guarding and defending family and territory, these dogs are extremely attentive and vigilant regarding what is happening around them.This makes them perfect, however, only for people who already have experience with large breeds and who know how to guide the puppy with a firm hand during the delicate period leading to maturity.The cloak is "double":in fact, a undercoat thick and soft and a straight and stiff external hair, about 5 centimeters long on the back, a measurement slightly longer than the rest of the body, except the tail, which is typically carried high, curled over the back or sides.Any color like the is allowed red, fawn, white, sesame, brown, also spotted or streaked, the black mask is typical of many subjects, but is not permitted in the Akita Inu.Sexual dysmorphism is very pronounced and males are substantially different from females both in terms of height and physical impressiveness.The male is not very sociable with subjects of the same sex, but shows an affable and loving nature towards the family of which he is part.

A close-up of a male American akita head © Pixabay

The health of the American akita

The American Akita is a substantially healthy dog.Explain  the Dr. Francesco Miccoli, veterinary doctor and health director Of ReproVet Genetics Italy:.” As often happens with large breeds, however, the hip dysplasia it is a pathology that afflicts American Akitas.To prevent it, it is important that the puppy's pedigree is carefully checked before purchasing to avoid surprises.The disease, in fact, is capable of affecting the health and well-being of the subject in a more or less serious way."Also pay attention to joint diseases which could appear in maturity or old age.In the American akita they are also recognized skin and coat pathologies which must be addressed immediately, when they appear, with the help of a specialized veterinarian.The final rabbit, however, as always, is to turn to serious and carefully selected breeders who can show the puppy's parents and monitor its growth and health over time.

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