Medium-sized short-haired dogs:faithful custodians of everyday life


Medium-sized short-haired dogs represent an ideal solution for those looking for a balance between size and ease of management.Unlike their long-haired cousins, these dogs offer the advantage of low maintenance, shedding less and needing less frequent bathing.Their grooming is a game

THE medium-sized short-haired dogs they represent an ideal solution for those looking for a balance between size and ease of management.Unlike their long-haired cousins, these dogs offer the advantage of low maintenance, shedding less and needing less frequent bathing.

Grooming them is child's play:a simple occasional brushing is more than enough to keep their coat in tip-top condition.With hair that rarely exceeds 4 cm in length, they are the perfect choice for those who want to minimize household mess without sacrificing the company of a faithful four-legged friend.

Let's find out together which breeds stand out in this category, combining practicality and character to enrich everyday life.

10 medium sized short haired dog breeds

1 Border collie:the agile intellectual

Border collie

The border collie, known for its extraordinary intelligence and agility, is a breed that stands out not only for its relatively short coat but also for its cognitive and physical abilities.These dogs were born for work, particularly for driving and guarding flocks, which reflects their extremely active nature and eager for tasks to be performed.Although they require regular brushing to keep their coat clean and tidy, their fur does not reach excessive lengths, making it relatively easy to keep them clean.


  • Intelligence:The Border Collie excels at tasks that require problem-solving and learning, making it a popular choice for canine sports such as agility and obedience.
  • Energy:This breed needs copious amounts of daily exercise and mental stimulation to prevent it from becoming bored or developing destructive behaviors.
  • Fidelity:Extremely loyal to their owners, Border Collies want to be involved in all family activities, showing unconditional affection and dedication.


As dogs that require a significant commitment of time and energy, Border Collies are best suited to active families or people who can dedicate part of their day to exercising and playing with their dog.They are not the best choice for those looking for a couch companion or who have little time to dedicate to outdoor activities.

Handling a Border Collie in a home environment requires patience, consistency, and most importantly, a commitment to keeping their mind and body active.However, for those who can meet these needs, the Border Collie offers a deep and rewarding friendship, proving a loyal and capable companion in a variety of disciplines and activities.

2 English Bulldog:the rugged gentleman

Bulldog inglese

The English bulldog stands out for its unmistakable appearance and affable character.With its short muzzle, compact, stocky build, and short coat that makes it unmistakably charming, the English bulldog is a calming and dignified presence in any home.Although their appearance may suggest otherwise, they are an incredibly affectionate and loyal breed, perfect for those looking for a calm and relaxed life partner.


  • Temperament:the English bulldog is known for its balanced and peaceful behavior.He prefers the quiet company of his family to the frenzy of excessively energetic activities.
  • Maintenance:Thanks to its short coat, English bulldog care is relatively simple.A weekly brushing is enough to keep his coat clean and healthy.
  • Adaptability:This breed adapts well to apartment life thanks to its less active nature.Although he appreciates daily walks, he does not require intensive physical exercise.


English bulldogs make wonderful companions for those looking for a dog with a big heart.However, potential owners should be aware of their specific health needs, including potential respiratory issues due to their characteristic flattened face.It is also important to keep a check on their weight to prevent joint problems and other obesity-related complications.

Their heat tolerance is low, so it's crucial to ensure they have a cool, comfortable environment during the warmer months.Despite these considerations, with appropriate care, the English bulldog repays with an unquestioned loyalty and affection that enriches the lives of its humans.

3 Chow Chows:the enigmatic guardian

Chow chow

The chow chow, with his leonine appearance and distinctive blue tongue, brings a touch of mystery and nobility wherever he goes.This ancient Chinese breed is renowned not only for its unique appearance, but also for its independent and sometimes reserved character.The short fur of the chow chow, dense and soft, requires specific attention, but its maintenance is not as onerous as it might seem at first glance.


  • Independence:the chow chow is known for its independent nature.This dog is happy to spend time alone, but that doesn't mean he isn't affectionate with his family members.
  • Shaggy fur:Although its fur appears to require intensive care, the Chow Chow only requires regular brushing to keep its coat clean and prevent matting.
  • Royal style:dignity is an innate characteristic of the chow chow.This dog brings with him an air of nobility and calm, making him seem like a piece of living history in any home environment.


Adopting a chow chow means welcoming into your home not just a pet, but a real family member with a distinct character.These dogs can be wary of strangers and require early socialization to develop a balanced temperament.Their independent nature requires a consistent and patient training approach, based on mutual respect.

The chow chow is suitable for those looking for a dignified and relatively calm companion, capable of offering affection in the most subtle and reserved way.It is critical, however, to be prepared for his specific health needs, including susceptibility to certain orthopedic conditions and heat stresses due to his dense coat.

4 Labrador retrievers:the faithful and joyful friend

Labrador retriever

The Labrador retriever, one of the most loved and widespread breeds in the world, is famous for its affable nature, loyalty and versatility.With its short and dense fur, resistant to water, and its predisposition to play and learning, the labrador adapts to a variety of roles, from companion animal to assistance dog.These dogs bring joy and liveliness to every family, demonstrating an unwavering dedication to their humans.


  • Sociability:the Labrador Retriever is known for its friendly and open temperament, both with people and with other animals.His sociable nature makes him an ideal companion for families with children and other pets.
  • Intelligence and trainability:This breed shines with its intelligence and eagerness to please, which makes it particularly receptive to training.Labradors are often employed in roles that require specific skills, such as guide or search and rescue dogs.
  • Attitude to physical activity:Energetic and playful, Labrador Retrievers need plenty of exercise to maintain physical and mental well-being.They particularly enjoy swimming and retrieving, activities that reflect their heritage as hunting dogs.


Adopting a Labrador retriever means committing to providing not only love and companionship, but also daily opportunities for exercise and play.Their tendency to gain weight makes careful management of diet and physical activity essential.Grooming their short coat is relatively simple, but requires regular brushing to control shedding and keep the coat shiny.

Labradors adapt well to both apartment living and a house with a garden, as long as their exercise needs are met.Their friendly nature and lack of aggression make them less suitable as watchdogs, but excellent as loving family members.

5 Lagotto Romagnolo:the gold digger

Lagotto romagnolo

The lagotto romagnolo, known for being the expert truffle hunter, combines acute intelligence with unparalleled affection.This medium-sized dog, with its curly, water-resistant coat, is a loyal companion both on outdoor adventures and in the comfort of home.Native to Italy, the Lagotto Romagnolo has gained popularity around the world not only for its working abilities but also for its joyful character and ease of training.


  • Waterproof curly fur:the coat of the Lagotto Romagnolo is unique among dogs:Curly and waterproof, it requires regular maintenance to avoid knots and keep the skin healthy.
  • Truffle picking skills:this breed has been selected for centuries for truffle hunting thanks to its exceptional sense of smell, showing a concentration and dedication to the work that translates into excellence also in other sniffing activities.
  • Balanced temperament:Lagotti are known for their balance:they are energetic outdoors but surprisingly calm indoors.Their friendly nature makes them excellent family dogs, who bond deeply with their humans.


Being the guardian of a Lagotto Romagnolo means engaging in careful care of its unique coat, with regular brushing and periodic grooming to prevent dermatological problems.These dogs adapt well to various housing situations, as long as they receive sufficient exercise and mental stimulation.

Their need for companionship and activity makes them less suitable for families who spend a lot of time away from home without them.However, for those looking for an active companion who can participate in walks, excursions and, why not, in search of truffles, the Lagotto Romagnolo is an excellent choice.

6 Boston terriers

Boston terrier

The Boston Terrier, with its distinctive natural tuxedo, embodies elegance and charisma in a compact format.This proudly American breed is famous for its friendly personality and balanced attitude, making it an ideal companion for various types of families.With its short, smooth coat and intelligent expression, the Boston Terrier is as much at home in a city apartment as it is in a house with a garden.


  • Compactness and agility:Despite its small-to-medium stature, the Boston Terrier is surprisingly agile and lively, loving play and moderate activities.
  • Short coat and easy to maintain:its short coat is one of the easiest to care for, requiring only occasional brushing to maintain shine and cleanliness.
  • Affable temperament:this breed is renowned for its balanced character and propensity for friendship, both with humans and other animals.


Boston Terriers adapt beautifully to family life, thanks to their sociable nature and desire to participate in household activities.They are dogs that bond deeply with their owners, always seeking companionship and interaction.Their size makes them perfect for those who live in small spaces, but it is important to remember that, as all races, need regular exercise to stay healthy.

7 Boxers:the protector of the family


The boxers, with his imposing physical presence and his generous heart, is a dog that embodies strength combined with sweetness.This German breed stands out for its loyalty, its protective spirit and its endless energy, making it an active and joyful member of any family.The boxer has a short, smooth coat that highlights his defined musculature, making caring for his appearance a simple but rewarding task.


  • Energy and joy of living:Boxers are extremely energetic and joyful dogs, always ready for play or adventure.This makes them excellent companions for active families or those who like to spend a lot of time outdoors.
  • Protectiveness and loyalty:this breed is deeply attached to its human family and has a strong protective instinct.Despite their friendly nature, boxers can make formidable guardians if they sense a threat.
  • Maintenance of the coat:the short hair of the boxer requires minimal maintenance.Weekly brushing is enough to keep his coat clean and reduce hair loss.


Welcoming a boxer into your life means committing to providing him with abundant opportunities for physical exercise and mental stimulation.Their energy and strength require an owner capable of managing a large, active dog, with a consistent and positive approach to training.

It is important to note that, like many brachycephalic breeds, Boxers can have sensitivity to high temperatures and respiratory problems.Therefore, it is essential to monitor their physical exertion during hot days and ensure they always have access to shaded areas and fresh water.

8 American pit bull terriers

American pitbull terrier

THE'american pitbull terrier it is a breed that often arouses conflicting opinions due to prejudices linked to its past.However, those who know this breed well speak of a dog that is exceptionally loyal, affectionate and incredibly devoted to its family.With its short coat and powerful muscles, the American Pit Bull Terrier requires relatively little cosmetic maintenance but a great deal of exercise and mental stimulation.


  • Unconditional affection:Contrary to what some may think, American Pit Bull Terriers are extremely affectionate with their owners and love to be part of family activities.
  • Energy and play:these dogs are lively and love to play.They make great outdoor playmates and love long walks, making them perfect for active owners.
  • Intelligence and trainability:They are known for their intelligence and eagerness to please, which makes them particularly receptive to positive reinforcement training.


Adopting an American Pitbull Terrier means committing to dispelling myths through education and example, showing the true loving and joyful nature of this breed.They require an owner who can offer clear leadership, consistent boundaries, and abundant affection.It is also essential to engage in early training and socialization to ensure they grow up as well-balanced and confident dogs.

Given their strength and liveliness, it is important that they receive regular exercise to maintain physical and mental well-being.Despite their rugged appearance, American Pit Bull Terriers are sensitive dogs that respond best to gentle, positive training methods.

9 Whippets:the elegant


The whippets, known for its elegance and incredible speed, is a dog that combines grace and power in a slender and muscular body.This breed is famous for its sweet and affectionate temperament, making it an excellent companion for both families and individuals.With its short, fine fur, the whippet represents an ideal option for those looking for an easy-care four-legged friend.


  • Speed ​​and agility:whippets are among the fastest dogs, capable of reaching surprising speeds.Their agility makes them protagonists in canine sports such as racing and agility.
  • Affectionate and calm nature:Despite their speed in the field, whippets are surprisingly calm and affectionate at home.They love to snuggle up and spend time relaxing with their humans.
  • Ease of care:The whippet's short coat is easy to maintain, requiring only occasional brushing to remove dead hair and keep the coat clean and shiny.


Adopting a whippet requires a commitment to providing them with regular opportunities to run in safe, enclosed spaces, where they can express their fast nature without danger.They are incredibly social dogs that thrive on companionship and interaction, so they should not be left alone for long periods.

Whippets can be sensitive to the cold due to their short coat and low body fat mass, so it may be necessary to provide them with warm clothing during the winter months for outdoor walks.

10 Dalmatians:the iconic spotted beauty


The Dalmatian it is perhaps one of the most recognizable dog breeds in the world, thanks to its distinctive spotted coat and elegant posture.These dogs are known not only for their unique beauty but also for their lively spirit and friendly nature.With their short, smooth coat, Dalmatians are active companions who love to be part of family activities.


  • Unique spotted coat:Each Dalmatian has a unique spotting pattern that contributes to the appeal of this breed.Their short coat is relatively low maintenance, although they may shed a moderate amount year-round.
  • Energy and endurance:Dalmatians are extremely energetic and hardy dogs, initially bred as carriage dogs.This heritage makes them ideal partners for long walks, runs and other physical activities.
  • Intelligence and loyalty:this breed is very intelligent and eager to please their owners, which makes them relatively easy to train.They are also extremely loyal and protective of their family.


Welcoming a Dalmatian into your life means committing to providing enough physical exercise and mental stimulation to satisfy their active nature.They are social dogs who bond deeply with their humans and can suffer if left alone for prolonged periods.

Because of their energy and strength, Dalmatians are best suited to active families or owners who can make time for daily exercise.It is important to begin socialization and training early to ensure they grow up balanced and well behaved.


Choosing a medium-sized short-haired dog is a bit like finding the perfect adventure companion that doesn't leave you covered in hair or bogged down in endless grooming sessions.Whether you're a park run type, a parent looking for a new family member who won't scare the little ones, or just someone who wants a friend to relax on the couch without too many frills, there's bound to be a furry friend who does to your case.

Each race has its own unique personality, a bit like us humans, and there is always the perfect one to complete the puzzle of your life.But remember, while the short coat is a nice bonus, every puppy brings with them a big heart that asks for love, walks, games and, yes, even a brush every now and then.The important thing is to find that puppy that makes your heart beat faster and looks at you with those "you're my favorite human" eyes.

So, before embarking on this adventure, take a deep breath, think about what you can offer and what you hope to receive from your future four-legged companion.And when you find the right one, get ready for lots of adventure, laughter, and probably some mischief.Because in the end, life with a dog is always a wonderfully unpredictable adventure.And honestly, we wouldn't want it any other way.


What are medium sized dogs?

Medium-sized dogs include breeds such as the chow chow, Labrador retriever, English bulldog, border collie, boxer, and whippet.These breeds vary in weight and size but generally offer a good balance between manageable size and lively energy, making them suitable for various types of families and lifestyles.

How much does a medium sized dog weigh?

A medium-sized dog can weigh between approximately 10 and 25 kg.This weight range includes a wide variety of breeds with different builds and physical characteristics.The specific weight can vary based on the breed, diet, and level of physical activity of the dog.

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