Dust from the Sahara over Rome, the Municipality's alert:«Children, elderly people and pregnant women should go out as little as possible.Leave your car at home"



The recommendations of the Capitol after the permitted limit of Pm10 in the air was exceeded for the second day in a row

There dust cloud brought by the winds from the Sahara desert continues to thicken the air over various areas of Italy (and Europe).Among these also the Capital, where the Municipality is on the alert for the potential risks for the population, especially the most vulnerable ones.Here then is the Capitol renewing in these hours the appeal already released yesterday to protect respiratory health.The recommendation to those most at risk - such as children, pregnant women, elderly people, heart patients and subjects with respiratory diseases - is to avoid prolonged exposure to high concentrations of pollutants.In fact, for the second consecutive day an exceeding of the PM10 limits in the air required by law was recorded.For this reason, the Municipality of Rome also appeals to the wider citizenry to adopt precautions and behaviors during these festive days to reduce further harmful emissions.Through the Capitoline canals, all Romans are therefore advised to «opt for the use of public transport, avoiding the use of private motor vehicles as much as possible;use the car in a shared way to contribute to the reduction of vehicles in circulation (car pooling or car sharing);prefer electric, hybrid or vehicles powered by low impact fuels (e.g.methane);adopt driving behaviors aimed at reducing polluting emissions;limit the switching times of heating systems and reduce the maximum air temperature in buildings;opt to use the bicycle;prefer, where possible, to travel on foot".

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