The map of areas suitable for nuclear storage:what are the 51 zones.Green light for self-nominations


Municipalities not included in the ministry's list now have 30 days to propose to host the national nuclear repository for low and medium activity waste

There are 51 areas considered suitable for the national storage of nuclear waste included in the list published today 13 December by the Ministry of the Environment.In the list within the National Charter of Suitable Areas (Cnai), drawn up by Sogin and Isin, there are 10 in Basilicata (Montalbano Jonico, Matera, Bernalda, Montescaglioso, Genzano di Lucania), four in Puglia such as Gravina di Puglia , Altamura and Laterza on the border with the province of Matera, 20 in Lazio all in the province of Viterbo (Montalto di Castro, Canino, Cellere, Ischia di Castro, Soriano nel Cimino, Vasanello, Vignanello, Corchiano, Gallese, Tarquinia, Tuscania, Arlena di Castro, Piansano, Tessennano), five in Piedmont in the province of Alessandria (Bosco Marengo, Novi Ligure, Alessandria, Oviglio, Quartetto, Castelnuovo Bormida, Sezzadio, Fubine Monferrato, Quargnento), eight in Sardinia between the provinces of Oristano and the South of the island (Albagiara, Assolo, Usellus, Mandas, Siurgus Donigala, Segariu, Villamar, Setzu, Tuilli, Turri, Ussaramanna, Nurri, Ortacesus, Guasila), two in Sicily in the province of Trapani (Calatafimi-Segesta, Trapani).


As foreseen by the energy decree approved at the end of November by the government, the Municipalities not yet included in the Cnai areas may also be included in the list with a self-nomination.The possibility, explains the ministry in a note, is open for the next 30 days to local authorities and the Ministry of Defense for military structures that are interested in hosting a low or medium activity nuclear waste repository.Once the self-nomination has been advanced, the technicians of Mase and Sogin "will start a re-evaluation of the territory in order to verify its possible suitability".Already in recent days the mayor of Trino, in the province of Alessandria, had come forward made available your municipality:«For 30 years we have been talking about the national warehouse and we haven't even managed to find an area to build it – said Daniele Pane – But in the meantime here in Trino there are temporary warehouses, which are precarious and unsafe.If no territory offers its availability, I believe we should re-evaluate areas like ours which already host almost all radioactive waste today"

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