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The mass that was being celebrated this morning, Sunday 3 December, at the Turin Cathedral, was interrupted by environmental activists from Extinction Rebellion:the young people burst in to read passages from the Encyclical 'Laudato Sì' and from the apostolic exhortation 'Laudate Deum' by Pope Francis.«These are the words of the Pope, in which he openly invites the population to demand the necessary change.These are the same words that he sent to Dubai in recent days, at COP28, to urge governments to stop financing wars and environmental devastation and instead make "efficient, binding and easily monitorable" agreements, they then explained in their social profiles.Where they specified:«Thirty years of international climate conferences (COPs), deniers in government and non-binding agreements have passed.Thirty years of political failures and here we are, counting the damage.The flood in Emilia, the heat waves and fires last summer, the devastating hailstorms in Veneto and Lombardy.And the last tragic episode:the flood in Tuscany".«Accepting the invitation of Pope Francis – concluded the movement -, Extinction Rebellion today brings the message to the altar of one of the main churches in Turin.To break this silence too.For the future of each of us and for that of those who will come."
Cover photo:Extinction Rebellion Turin on Facebook