Monte Mario fire, dioxin values ​​under control


In Monte Mario, after two days with dioxin values ​​just above the limits, the latest sampling recorded data below the safety threshold.

The values ​​of dioxins released, in a limited way, following the fire are fully back under control That hit the Monte Mario hill on 31 July.During the sampling carried out between 3 and 4 August, the latest available, Arpa Lazio, which intervened as usual to monitor air quality, recorded values ​​equal to 0.06 pg/m3.

Arpa recalls that as regards dioxins there is no regulatory reference in ambient air.The WHO (in the document Air quality guidelines for Europe 2000) estimates toxic equivalent concentrations (TEQ) of dioxins and furans in an urban environment equal to approximately 0.1 pg/m3, even if the variability from area to area is high, while concentrations higher than 0.3 pg/m3 indicate the presence of a localized emission source, i.e. they mean that the fire actually generated dioxin.

In the previous days, dioxin values ​​of 0.56 pg/m3 in the sample from 1 to 2 August and 1.0 pg/m3 in the sample from 2 to 3 August had been recorded..Percentages just above the safety threshold, but far from those of another fire that hit Rome this summer. Just think of the Mammolo bridge fire which recorded dioxin values ​​of 92 pg/m3.Also under control Benzo(a)pyrene data:in recent days, values ​​lower than 0.1 ng/m3 had been recorded when the safety threshold indicated by current regulations provides for an average limit value of 1 ng/m3.However, the environmental damage on the Monte Mario hill is still very visible, with the slope overlooking Via Teulada completely burned.

By clicking here you can find the Arpa Lazio bulletin with data relating to the three samplings carried out in the days after the Monte Mario fire.

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