Hawaii has a plan to become 100% renewable by 2045



The power company that meets demand in 95% of Hawaii has announced a plan to reach climate neutrality before 2050.
  • Hawaiian Electric, the main company that supplies electricity to the Hawaiian Islands, has announced a plan to reach 100 percent renewable sources by 2045.
  • The national electricity grid is increasingly sustainable thanks to an incentive program that promotes renewables in private homes.

Hawaiian Electric, the main electricity supplier of the Hawaiian Islands, he announced a plan to provide the 100 percent electricity from renewable sources by 2045.Is called Integrated grid plan:a pathway to a clean energy future and includes a program to reduce barriers to private rooftop installations, especially for low-income citizens.

The company supplies electricity to 95 percent of the population, made up of 1.4 million inhabitants.Since 2010, as the company itself states, the amount of electricity generated from renewable sources has tripled, reaching 32 percent of the total, largely thanks to the so-called "customer Der", i.e. private clean energy production systems (for example photovoltaic panels) connected to the public grid.

Hawaii's electricity grid is sustainable thanks to the contribution of private homes © Getty Images

Hawaii will reduce CO2 emissions by 70% by 2030

How can we make national energy production more sustainable? Incentivizing homeowners to install panels and storage batteries.This is the objective of the plan, which intends to add 3.7 gigawatts to the grid, equal to 50 thousand solar panels on roofs and 125 thousand storage systems.

In this way, Hawaiian electric aims to reduce by 70 percent, compared to 2005 levels, CO2 emissions from electricity generation by 2030 and eliminating 540 MW of fossil fuel-based generation.

The process towards a sustainable and efficient national electricity grid it started in 2018.In addition to solar, Hawaiian electric has planned the development of geothermal energy, hydrogen from renewables, biomass, biofuels and the conversion of ocean thermal energy.Through this diversification, the intent is to increase the resilience of the network and its ability to respond to extreme events.

And then there is the conversion of fossil plants

The spread of renewables in Hawaii has certainly been favored by high shipping costs of coal and oil used in power plants, which have made solar a more cost-effective option.But the success of this plan so far has been guaranteed by private plants, appropriately incentivized.

Meanwhile, always Hawaiin electric he announced the conversion of the second largest coal-fired power plant in the country, which will become a hydrogen and biodiesel production plant.The federal state has yet to approve the conversion project but in the meantime so do other fossil fuel plants in Hawaii undergoing transformation:AES Corporation, which operated a now-shuttered coal-fired power plant on Oahu, has said it could turn the site into an energy storage farm that uses batteries to store energy generated by solar and wind power.

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