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BOLOGNA - A car travels at night along the road that connects Andalo and Molveno, in Trentino, when at the height of the bridge London, the motorist sees shadows crossing the road and is unable to avoid them.The crash follows.The driver, unharmed, stops the vehicle and realizes that he has hit a very young bear, a cub, probably 6 months old at most.He will immediately call 112, reporting that he has glimpsed other animals, probably an adult female, the mother of the puppy, and another baby.
It happened yesterday, Tuesday 30 July, late in the evening.He gives the news Autonomous Province of Trento, also following the intervention of a team from Trentino Forestry Corps and gods fire fighters volunteers, who arrived immediately on site.A further inspection by the bear dog unit will follow today.Finally, we inform you that the animal's carcass will be delivered to'Experimental Zooprophylactic Institute of Venice, while the analysis of organic samples is entrusted to Edmund Mach Foundation.
Trentino is not a country for bears, one might say especially these days.In fact, the puppy's investment arrives a few hours later from the killing of Kj1, a female specimen with three cubs in tow, which occurred only yesterday morning, Tuesday 30 July, by order signed by the president of the Autonomous Province of Trento, Maurizio Fugatti, complete with reactions from the animal rights and institutional world.The Minister of the Environment himself Gilberto Pichetto Fratin commented on the killing of Kj1, highlighting that "The suppression of individual bears is not the solution to the problem".