Rome, Eternit alarm a stone's throw from the garden of a nursery.“We can't move those sheds” – The video


They are located in the Tiburtino III area and are abandoned in an area managed by the Heritage department.The municipal president cannot act and it is not clear who brought them there

They appeared while the flowers were sprouting in the only accessible section of the garden of the Fabio Filzi primary school, Tiburtino III area, eastern outskirts of Rome.Some roofs, which appear to be made of asbestos, were left in the courtyard of the former Red Cross humanitarian garrison, in via del Frantoio, a structure that coincides with the primary school and the bridge sections.The building, which became a makeshift shelter, was evicted for the last time last October.From that moment on, however, despite the walled up windows and the closed gate complete with chain and padlock, someone has used that courtyard as a warehouse for various materials, including construction waste.The last gift, left a stone's throw from the little ones' classrooms, is some sheds which, some local residents suspect, are made of asbestos.The building, as per the cadastral survey held by Open, is owned by the Municipality of Rome.However, the management – ​​explains Massimiliano Umberti, president of the IV municipality – would be directly at the head of the Heritage and Housing Policies Department.Umberti, contacted by Open, explains to us that he cannot remove that material because it would cause "tax damage".«We have already had telephone conversations with the Department» he assures, adding that, if it were actually Eternit, the procedure is not simple and also requires the intervention of the Environment Department of the Capitol.A cleanup of the area should be carried out in the next few hours.Meanwhile, the sheds, according to the information provided to Open, have been covered with a tarpaulin.

The history of via del Frantoio 44:from a migrant center to abusive occupation

The block of flats in Via del Frantoio 44 has a long history behind it and has often ended up at the center of news events.Former headquarters of the Municipality, the building was occupied and transformed into a reception center by the Cooperativa 29 Giugno, of which Salvatore Buzzi headed.In 2015 it became a SPRAR centre, managed by the Red Cross, hosting fragile and homeless people sent via the Social Operations Room in 2017.And it was precisely in that year that Via del Frantoio 44 ended up at the center of the national press.A resident invents an alleged throwing of stones at her 12-year-old nephew by some migrants staying at the center and claims to have been kidnapped and beaten inside the facility.The complaint, fueled by far-right activists, sparked a revolt in the neighborhood which ended with the wounding of a former guest of the centre, Yacob Misgn.How he rebuilds Dinamopress the tension unleashed between some of the residents and the SPRAR becomes the perfect storm.On 30 June 2018 the agreement expires and the building, with no one left in charge, becomes a refuge for occupants who become de facto squatters.In 2019, the Raggi council tried to launch a tender for the recovery of the property.Nothing to do, several evictions will follow in 2020, 2021 and the last one, in chronological order, in 2022.Now silence reigns in the structure.Walled windows, double gate, the external one strictly closed with a padlock.Debris on the ground, construction bags and now those sheds which worry the inhabitants of the area quite a bit.How they ended up there still remains a mystery.

The images, shot by Open, which show the abandoned sheds in the square in front of the building:

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