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No to bathing in the tub, yes to the shower.This is the request that six municipalities in the Treviso area (Breda di Piave, Carbonera, Maserada sul Piave, Ponzano Veneto, Silea and Villorba) have addressed to their citizens through an ordinance.This is a formal invitation that comes to counter the consequences of the drought that is once again overwhelming Italy.The requests are different.There is no shortage of classic warnings to «turn off the tap while brushing your teeth» and to «always run washing machines and dishwashers with a full load».But what strikes citizens is the warning intended for lovers of long baths:«Prefer showering rather than bathing in the tub», we read in the document, shared by the municipalities involved, which is already in force.
What the ordinance provides
The ordinance provides for limitations in all municipal territories on the use of water supplied by the public aqueduct, indicated only for food and sanitary uses.It prohibits the use of drinking water, even from domestic wells, for washing cars in courtyards, for filling garden tubs, ornamental fountains for watering lawns and private gardens.Small exception for the home garden, which can be watered.Finally, artesian well water cannot be used for non-priority purposes.Anyone who does not comply with the ordinance will be sanctioned with fines of 25 and 500 euros.Similar moves were also implemented last year.As happened in Verona in July 2022 with the mayor Damiano Tommaso That he limited the use of drinking water against drought.