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The temperature of the clash between activists for the fight against climate change and the government majority is rising.What has progressively increased tension over the last few weeks has been the chain of incursions carried out by movements such as Ultima Generazione or Extinction Rebellion in several cities in Italy - especially those that targeted historical monuments and in some cases the headquarters of public institutions.Among the most discussed and most indigestible blitzes for the political forces - of the majority and beyond - those at Senate building in Rome and others Palazzo Vecchio in Florence, and even more recently the defilement of Barcaccia fountain in Piazza di Spagna.After bombastic declarations and announcements of all-out war, how anticipated in recent days by the Minister of Culture Gennaro Sangiuliano, now the right-wing government seems intent on taking action on a legislative level.Fratelli d'Italia is preparing to present a bill to Parliament aimed at «strengthening the measures regarding the protection of decorum, as well as the sanctions provided for by the penal code for those who damage cultural or environmental assets», reports the agency Adnkronos who has seen the draft text.
What the bill provides
In detail, the bill consisting of a single article would amend law decree number 14 of 20 February 2017 and article 635 of the penal code, providing for imprisonment from six months to three years for anyone who defaces or defaces public or religious buildings and buildings subject to protection as cultural heritage.Not only that:for those who have been convicted, even if not definitively, or who have simply reported one or more complaints for vandalism or voluntary damage to protected cultural assets, there would be a ban on approaching the buildings subject to protection, within ten metres, for a period including between six and twelve months.Violation of the ban would result in a fine of 500 to 1,000 euros."The right to choose to carry out actions of civil disobedience should absolutely not be confused with the non-right to carry out vandalism to bring this or that problem or need to people's attention", thunders the first signatory of the draft in the explanatory report of the draft by law, FdI senator Marco Lisei.
Ficicchia:«Ready for anything, even prison»
The anticipation of the possible legislative offensive was enough to provoke the outcry of the first interested parties, the activists of Latest Generation."We are very surprised to see a majority that, instead of dealing with the climate crisis, is increasingly active in promoting ad hoc laws to punish non-violent actions carried out by people concerned about everyone's future", he said immediately, always at theAdnkronos, the spokesperson of the collective Simone Ficicchia, for whom the Pavia Prosecutor's Office had requested special surveillance in recent months.The majority bill, stated Ficicchia, «does not stop us and does not scare us.We are ready for any legal risk and even to go to prison."The Ultima Generazione spokesperson also recalled that the crime of damage "already exists and has been contested against us as a crime for our actions:but this crime probably cannot be prosecuted in court precisely because the damage never occurred."For this reason, Fucicchia continued, "the aim is to punish 'dirtiness', but this risks leading to an arbitrary interpretation of the law.It's a very dangerous thing."
The next moves of the Last Generation
In the conversation with the press agency, Ficicchia also announced a new cycle of demonstration actions by the collective, anticipating some details.«They will be directed towards Rome, starting from mid-April.We are talking about roadblocks or more sensational and performative actions, such as those we have seen on monuments and museums in recent times.But there could also be more," the spokesperson said.Which then ruled out, at least for the moment, that Ultima Generazione aims to become a party.«At the moment, as far as Italy is concerned, I can exclude it.We are interested in putting pressure outside Parliament.We are not born to please or get votes:our aim – he points out – is to influence public opinion and obtain legislative changes.Becoming a political force is not a mission we are interested in right now."In the future, who knows.