Peaks and excursions, a mountain-themed reading group in Bologna


For the first time in Bologna, a reading group on the mountains comes to life, to meet together and listen to stories of excursions, peaks and landscapes:the first 4 appointments are between September and December

BOLOGNA – Starting from this month, Librerie.Coop Zanichelli and Cai Bologna, as part of the “Pact for reading in Bologna”, propose a “completely new” reading group and entirely dedicated to mountain books".The objective is to collaborate with entities active in the area and, "after the great success of the previous reading groups Alphaville and Ombre sotto i Portici", in collaboration with the Archiginnasio Library and Odoya editore as well as "L'astro exploso" in partnership with Lo Spazio Letterario, here is the agreement with the CAI of Bologna “Mario Fantin”:“From the Andes to the Himalayas:on an excursion between pages and peaks“.This new initiative intends to offer fans of the genre and beyond "new keys to understanding the books in which the mountain scenery is strongly present".

At the historic Zanichelli bookshop, under the Pavaglione portico, one Wednesday a month, from September to December, therefore the opportunity to "discover and share stories that reveal to the reader unknown and wonderful landscapes, daring and remote worlds, stories of adventure and education in a journey that will develop like a real excursion between the pages".


First appointment on Wednesday 18 September at 6pm with Joe Simpson and “Death suspended“, (Corbaccio);Paolo Malaguti will follow at the same time on Wednesday 16 October with "The Moor at the top“, (Einaudi);Wednesday 13 November in-depth study on Malachy Tallack's book, “The Great North.Trip around the world along the sixtieth parallel“, (Hyperborea);last appointment Wednesday 11 December with Colin Thubron, “Towards the sacred mountain“, (Tea).

The meetings are free and open to all, "open to all those, enthusiasts and non-enthusiasts, who wish to get closer to the suggestions of the fascinating world of the mountains", explain the promoters.

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