Bad weather, Bologna with bated breath:Savena swells, evacuations ordered


And in the province, in Ozzano Emilia, landslides and floods have been reported.

BOLOGNA – From Romagna to the gates of Emilia:Even in the Bologna area, the flow of the rivers - the Savena, the Idice and the Zena streams - makes people tremble and it is expected that "the worst moment will be during the night".


After the last update received from Regional civil protection, due to the weather warning and the continuation of heavy rains, a Bologna is occurring in particular”a rise in the level of the Savena stream such as to foreshadow a possible important criticality during the night".The Municipality therefore issued aevacuation order for buildings in the San Ruffillo-Lungosavena area.

In particular for those who live in via Bosi (all numbers), via Pietro d'Anzola (all numbers), via Toscana (numbers 157, 159, 161, 209, 211, 213 and from number 175 to number 181), via del Paleotto (at odd numbers from 1 to 9/4).It is therefore necessary to evacuate homes in these streets.
Local police and law enforcement are informing residents.Those who have no alternative to stay in a safe place can call the Local Police operations center (051/266626) to be directed to the reception facilities identified by the Municipality.In the case of people who are not self-sufficient or unable to evacuate the premises independently, it is necessary to report it to the Local Police, who will activate the necessary services to carry out the movements in complete safety.The mayor of Bologna, Matteo Lepore, has been following the emergency since Palazzo D'Accursio in coordination with the Coc and the Mayor's Cabinet.Inspections are underway to assess any other critical issues.
Furthermore, the Municipality announced in a note, the decision has been made to close other schools (in addition to the middle and high schools throughout the city already communicated today).The list includes:Casaglia, Villa Teresa (Rizzoli), Beltrame (Rizzoli), Bacchi Gabelli (Bellombra), Ferrari and Pavese (IC 13 Savena), Cremonini Ongaro (IC 19 Bellombra), Avogli (IC 8 inside the Carracci), Longhena (IC 19) .Tomorrow morning, before the opening of schools, the Municipality's technicians will carry out inspections to verify any other specific critical issues.


And in the Bologna area, landslides and flooding have been reported due to bad weather Zena and of theIdice upstream of the municipal territory of Ozzano Emilia, resulting in road disruptions.And, warn the mayor on social media Luca Lelli, “The night, however, promises to be complicated.Even if it rains moderately now, it should increase during the night and morning of tomorrow with particularly intense moments."All this in addition to rains that were particularly heavy today in the highest part of the Apennines:“The 'long' rivers are therefore discharging now and the worst moment will be at night“, warns Lelli again.And he renews the invitation to avoid travel "in particular towards areas already affected" and to stay at a "safe distance from waterways.Be careful while driving, particularly in delicate situations such as underpasses (currently all passable)."

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