Sogin:Donato Carlea coordinates Cemex


The engineer "will be supported by the best internal professionals on issues related to this project"

ROME – Sogin entrusts to Donato Carlea, former president of the Superior Council of Public Works and among the leading experts in the management of complex contracts, the leadership of the team of technicians who will support the Company in the construction of the Cemex Complex within the Eurex site of Saluggia (Vercelli).

“Engineer Carlea will be supported by the best internal professionals on issues related to this project”, reads a company note -.The objective will be to define a strategy to preventively resolve all aspects that could slow down, hinder or block the works, therefore making the process practically irreversible".


Donato Carlea, degree in civil engineering, directed the main public works authorities in Italy, was Extraordinary Commissioner for Major Works, General Director of the Inspection Service of the Public Contracts Supervisory Authority and President of the Superior Council of Public Works.

He has been a university professor in various university faculties, including the Faculty of Engineering of Perugia, and the Faculty of Architecture of the “La Sapienza” University of Rome.Among the most recent successful experiences, his decisive contribution to the reconstruction of the Genoa bridge (formerly Morandi) in record time and with an innovative approach in Italy is known.

The construction works of the Cemex complex have had an extremely troubled history over time, with numerous start-up attempts and subsequent stops, over the course of Sogin's twenty-five year life.Trust in 2010 to Ansaldo Nucleare and blocked in 2011 in self-defense, they were re-entrusted in 2013 to a Temporary Grouping of Companies, with Saipem as the group leader, and interrupted in 2017, after four years, with progress of less than 10%.

A further assignment, in December 2020, went to another Temporary Grouping of Businesses, with Teorema Scarl as the parent company, but was resolved 24 months later after a significantly low physical progress of the works towards the budgeted (just over 1% compared to a budgeted time progress of over 50%).

Finally, a tender, launched on April 5, 2023, was canceled in self-defense last January 31st by the current management, due to evident substantial defects that would have blocked the completion works of the structure in the executive phase.


The entry into operation of Cemex complex by 2029, as foreseen by the Decree of the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security, is one of the strategic steps in the program for the decommissioning and safety of the Eurex plant in Saluggia, which will allow the liquid waste stored on the site to be cemented.The tender for its construction will be launched within the next year in parallel with equally complex industrial activities such as the dismantling of nuclear power plant reactors, which will allow the decommissioning of Italian nuclear plants to be completed.

“We found with Professor Carlea a full sharing of the strategic vision and methods for tackling this complex project,” he declared the CEO of Sogin Gian Luca Artizzu– the Professor's great experience, authority and prestige will be that extra ingredient that will make the project and all of us take a leap in quality."

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