Conscious animal adoptions:Empethy brings the challenge to the company


For the summer Empethy has activated the challenge to spread the culture of responsible adoptions also in companies.Let's see how it works.

From the meeting between corporate world And the adoption of animals a virtuous circle can arise.Enough to help fight one of the most heinous crimes committed especially in the summer, the abandonment of dogs and cats and the consequent phenomenon of strays.She is convinced of it Empethy, the digital platform created to facilitate informed adoptions throughout Italy, which launched an open challenge to businesses:raise awareness among employees by creating, through its search engine, a real virtual refuge with whom you can do a real adoption.With several advantages for everyone.Here's how it works.

The plague of pet abandonment in Italy

Let's start with the most recent data which illustrate a complex and varied situation.If, in fact, it is true that 39.7 percent of the animals in our homes it comes from the street or from shelters, it is also true that 20.8 percent of dogs, cats & co arrived in the family in the form of gift.The numbers say it Italy 2024 Eurispes Report, highlighting on the one hand a strong sensitivity towards animals, but on the other hand irresponsible behavior is still widely present.In fact, welcoming an animal into your home is one challenging choice and as such it must be considered in compliance with the needs and characteristics of all members of the family, whether two-legged or four-legged.When this does not happen, it is not uncommon to encounter a renunciations of property and abandonments.This is demonstrated by the data from the National Animal Protection Agency (Enpa), who underline that in 2023 they were sold or abandoned as many as 127 animals every 24 hours (20 percent more than in previous summers).A negative record that naturally raises a question:Are we really aware of what it means to welcome a dog or a cat into your home?

Responsible adoptions:there challenge posed by Empethy to companies

Just for encourage responsible adoptions, the experts in financial solutions and marketing Annamaria Barbaro And Lorenza Silvestri they founded the startup Empethy, which is part of the ecosystem Lifegate Way.Its innovative strength?An algorithm capable of calculate the compatibility between human and dog, depending on the different needs, in collaboration with shelters and voluntary associations.But there's more.The platform also opens up to the world of companies to broaden its user base and to spread the culture of responsibility towards pets.


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It happens thanks to Corporate pet responsibility program.Launched in July and August, the hottest months in terms of abandonments, the program aims to raise awareness among employees and bring to light many stories of animals looking for a home.The appeal launched to companies, in any sector, is to actively contribute to healing the scourge of stray dogs.As?Simply choose the regions and the number of animals you want involved in creating a virtual refuge:a personalized platform that allows the adoption of four-legged animals from the relevant shelters.Thanks to tracking tools, Then, you can monitor views, requests and adoptions.A way to concretely calculate the positive impact generated by each individual company.The best will obtain recognitions useful for optimizing their positioning in terms of social commitment. The Empethy awards they are designed to reward communication, activism and creativity with the titles of Best promoter, Best activist and Best creator.Who will be the winner?


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