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ROME – If in Germany the Fridays for Future contest the champion of the movement, Greta Thunberg, for his pro-Palestinian positions, the Italian movement has no doubts or divisions.“I don't want to investigate the reasons that lead movements across the Alps to contest Greta Thunberg. We have never had doubts about solidarity with the Palestinian people, and within the movement we have always been united on this, saying right from the start that we are on the side of the Palestinians,” he explains to the Dire news agency Davide Dioguardi, among the spokespersons of the movement.
According to the activist, "it is not true that climate and war have nothing to do with it. The environment is a political issue.There is no climate justice without social justice.The ecological transition has a counterpart:who is massacring innocent civilians."
According to Dioguardi, the media narrative of the conflict in the Middle East risks isolating and dividing climate activists, "as happened in Germany".But if history makes German citizens more sensitive to the Palestinian cause, for the activist "Linking anti-Semitism to pro-Palestine demonstrations is a mistake.We are anti-fascists.Anti-Semitism is the furthest thing from us, even if the other side uses every tool to connect the two things."
For Fridays for future Italy, therefore, climate and pacifism are on the same side.“It is cowardly to say that the environment should not be linked to other issues.We are sorry if anyone, due to our positions, no longer sees Fridays for future as an interlocutor. But there is no climate justice movement that denies that genocide is now taking place in Gaza“.