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They are called Tire Extinguishers (TX) and have a mission:deflate the tires of SUVs they find on the road.And invite the owners to ride bicycles.He also spoke about them some time ago Guardian.But now they have landed in Bologna.“Our aim is to make it impossible to own a huge, polluting 4x4 in urban areas around the world.We are defending ourselves from climate change, from pollution, from dangerous drivers.We do it simply:deflating the tires of these gigantic vehicles, causing a problem for their owners by blocking the tire valve", they say in the claim flyer circulating on Telegram and quoted today by the local edition of Republic.They struck in the Zaragoza area, especially between via Bellinzona and via Belluzzi.And they explained to the owners that it is not a personal matter:«We are not angry with you, but with your car.SUVs are useless, and pure vanity.We know you worked hard to afford a car like this.But for today you can get around on foot, by bike or by public transport."The Tire Extinguishers claimed shares in Berlin, Poitiers, Solihull.In Italy in January thirty SUVs were targeted in Milan and 70 in Turin.In February they had hit back in the Milanese capital.The TXs profess to be defenders of the environment and of coexistence in cities, targeting not the entire vehicle fleet, but specifically SUVs.«Administrations have failed to protect us from these gigantic vehicles;everyone actually hates them except their owners."