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ROME - What to do in the event of a road accident involving hybrid or electric cars? The Observatory for road safety education of the Emilia-Romagna Region explains it, disclosing a practical list of suggestions.
“The greater sensitivity towards environmental issues is producing a greater use of hybrid and electric vehicles, therefore it is good to underline that electric energy is invisible and odourless and, in the event of an accident, certain precautions must be taken,” they explain.
The same precautions must be taken in the event of a submerged or flooded vehicle, specify by the Observatory.
“To facilitate and speed up the passage of this fundamental information we are making an appeal so that everyone keeps on board the rescue sheet, a technical sheet (A4 size sheet) prepared by the car manufacturers to provide the Fire on how to intervene to make both the car and any occupants safe.Conventionally this emergency card could be placed in the sun visor of the driver indicating their presence with a sticker on the windscreen. By adopting these precautions, we help rescuers to operate quickly and correctly, so no fear, but it is advisable to know how to behave while waiting for help", is the appeal of the president of the Observatory, Mauro Sorbi.