All new homes in Tokyo must have photovoltaic panels


The Tokyo administration will make solar panels mandatory for new homes built in the Japanese capital starting from 2025.
  • Tokyo aims to halve the greenhouse gas emissions produced in the megacity by 2030.
  • Japan is the fifth largest CO2 emitter in the world, but the government has pledged to achieve net zero emissions by 2050.
  • Tokyo Governor Koike Yuriko said she wants to make citizens aware of the benefits of photovoltaic panels and work to make renewable energy a key element of buildings.

The Japan it is synonymous with modernity and technology, so it is not surprising if it comes from the capital Tokyo the news that all new homes from the Japanese capital must have photovoltaic solar panels.In detail, the administrative body of megacities, known as Tokyo metropolitan government, has established that in every house built after April 2025 the installation of photovoltaic panels will have to be carried out to reduce greenhouse gas emissions produced by homes and families.The regulation, the first of its kind for a Japanese city, requires builders to equip homes with renewable energy sources.

ingegneri edili
Photovoltaic continues to be the simplest and most understandable model to integrate into residential construction

The majority votes for sustainability

The ordinance was approved by a majority of voters during a session of the Tokyo metropolitan assembly.Following the decision of the city administration, major housing construction companies will have to install solar panels photovoltaic on buildings with a total area of ​​less than 2,000 square meters.Private home buyers will also be required to cooperate, and those who privately contract to build a residence of 2,000 square feet or more will be obliged to equip it with panels.The system will come into force in April 2025 after residents have been informed and necessary preparations have been made with the companies involved.

The local Tokyo metropolitan government chaired by governor Koike Yuriko estimates that the initial cost of 980 thousand yen (6,700 euros) for the installation of the 4 kilowatt panels can be covered within ten years from the revenues obtained from electricity sales and can be further reduced for up to six years with the subsidies that the government will allocate. Subsidies for up-front costs will also be provided to leasing companies so as to reduce the burden on home buyers and promote the installation of renewable energy sources in homes.

Tokyo's climate goals

The electricity produced with i photovoltaic panels it is particularly advantageous also in terms of environmental benefits:thanks to them, the emission of CO2, as well as other gases responsible for the greenhouse effect, into the atmosphere is avoided.The choice of Tokyo is part of a larger project dedicated to the sustainability of the Japanese nation.Tokyo wants to halve carbon emissions by 2030 compared to 2000;Furthermore a supplementary budget was approved of 116.2 billion yen (over 800 million euros) dedicated to renewable sources, including subsidies for the installation of panels.

Koike said he wanted to promote decarbonization efforts and hopes that the example of the capital will be followed throughout the country. “In addition to the current global climate crisis, we face an energy crisis with a prolonged Russia-Ukraine war“, Risako Narikiyo, a member of the regional party of which Koike, known as Tomin first no kai.There is no time to waste.

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