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TEDSummit 2019 officially kicks off today! Members of the TED community from 84 countries — TEDx’ers, TED Translators, TED Fellows, TED-Ed Educators, past speakers and more — have gathered in Edinburgh, Scotland to dream up what’s next for TED. Over the next week, the community will share adventures around the city, more than 100 Discovery Sessions and, of course, seven sessions of TED Talks.
Below, check out some photo highlights from the lead-up to TEDSummit and pre-conference activities. (And view our full photostream here.)
It takes a small (and mighty) army to get the theater ready for TED Talks.
TED Translators get the week started with a trip to Edinburgh Castle, complete with high tea in the Queen Anne Tea Room, and a welcome reception.
A bit of Scottish rain couldn’t stop the TED Fellows from enjoying a hike up Arthur’s Seat. Weather wasn’t a problem at a welcome dinner.
TEDx’ers kick off the week with workshops, panel discussions and a welcome reception.
It’s all sun and blue skies for the speaker community’s trip to Edinburgh Castle and reception at the Playfair Library.
Cheers to an amazing week ahead!