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ROME – On November 30th it will take place in Council of State the public hearing in which the appeals presented, among others, by the committee will be discussed NO Santa Palomba incinerator, Environmentalist forum and municipality of Albano against the project of the government commissioner and mayor of Rome, Roberto Gualtieri, to create a waste-to-energy plant of 600 thousand tons in the industrial area of Santa Palomba on the southern outskirts of Rome. Last August 24, the appellants renounced the request for suspension, but requested the scheduling of a hearing on the merits shortly, because the tender for the design, construction and management of the plant had not yet been published and still has not been published, despite the timetable drawn up by the commissioner structure setting the end of August as the deadline.Last week, according to what the Dire agency learned, l'The State Attorney's Office (which defends the commissioner) had not been able to communicate the date of publication of the notice.So, today the hearing is set in 3 months.At that time, the lawyers of the appellant parties will reiterate the request to send the documents to the European Court of Justice and also to the Constitutional Court for their ruling before the final judgment of the Council of State.