Australia plans the largest solar park in the world


The huge solar power plant will be called Sun Cable and also includes a 4,300 kilometer underwater cable to supply energy to Singapore.

The one that is defined “the largest solar power plant in the world” will see the light in Australia, In the Northern Territory.One of the regions sunnier to the world:in some portions rainfall does not exceed 250 millimeters per year and the minimum temperature never drops below 15 degrees centigrade.

The solar park supported by billionaire ecologist Mike Cannon-Brookes

The project was approved on Wednesday 21 August, but was not promoted by Australian companies.On the contrary, it is a Singaporean company who asked the Canberra government for authorization for the construction of the solar park, financed by the billionaire and environmental activist Mike Cannon-Brookes.

The new control panel will be called Sun Cable and will spread over a surface area of ​​well 12 thousand hectares (120 square kilometers) in Powell Creek, Barkly Province.More than the surface area of ​​the municipality of Florence.This is a particularly ambitious project, especially for the interconnection it provides, baptized Australia-Asia Power Link.

An undersea cable will connect Australia to Singapore

The objective is in fact to supply energy to the capital of Northern Territory, Darwin.Which will be enough, as indicated by the Minister of the Environment Tanya Plibersek, to answer the question of approximately three million families.But the other part of the clientele will be much further away:thousands of kilometers away.

The new solar park will in fact be connected to Asia through a submarine cable high voltage, 4,300 kilometers long, and which should be operational starting from 2030.The amount of energy supplied should be able to cover 15 percent of the demand overall in Singapore.

Added to this is the positive impact from the point of view employment:we talk about 6,800 jobs in the construction phase, which is expected to start by 2027.As long as we can find all the necessary funds, since the expected investment is 25 billion dollars.In the meantime, it will be necessary to obtain the green light from theIndonesia so that the submarine cable can pass through its territory.

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