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ROME – Born almost half a century ago, it represents a more unique than rare competition given its characteristics:The Palio della Granocchia takes place every year in first Sunday of September in Paganico (Grosseto). The protagonists of the singular contest are 'jockeys' who have to transport frogs on a wheelbarrow without letting them fall.A barbaric and obsolete practice, environmentalists thunder who reported the organizers and the Municipality to the authorities for animal cruelty.“Frogs, as demonstrated by the scientific opinions we have cited and filed - explains Lav - are extremely delicate animals, with fragile skin and structures, so even simple manipulation is a source of suffering.Not to mention the treatment given to them during the Paganico race, in which the competitors subject them to continuous jolts, pick them up and continuously slam them onto wheelbarrows, with the constant risk of trampling on them".
The race, in fact, requires that each jockey (one per district) is entrusted with 3 frogs, 1 cart, 1 judge.As the jockeys begin their race, cart in hand, each judge raises the bowl containing the frogs, which immediately begin to jump. The jockey's aim is to continually retrieve his frogs from the ground, place them back on the cart and cross the finish line before his rivals.The entire route is approximately 290 meters long and can take 1 to 3 minutes to complete.
“Terrified, loaded onto a wheelbarrow, subjected to continuous vibrations and noises and recovered from the ground as they try to escape, jumping, between the wheels and the legs of the Contrada people.This is the supposed "entertainment" offered by the Palio della Granocchia in Paganico (GR), yet another event that causes suffering to animals.An event which - continues the environmentalist association - was even favored by a recent Tuscan regional law which leaves only the Municipalities to authorize events like these without the prior consent of the veterinary ASL.We at LAV, who already last year denounced the Mayor and President of the Proloco, we warned the Municipality so that the Palio scheduled for September 1st is suspended and the animals remain safe.We want to stop this cruelty."