How to Build a Softair Field


Do you want to build an airsoft field for hours and hours of fun?Here's how to do it.

  1. If you want a top-notch course and have money to spend, you can buy new wood and sandbags.But you should first look for waste wood, barrels, in short, things that you can find abandoned on the road.Get help from friends.
  2. A yard with a shed might be fine.Or you can buy a piece of land near your home to have a bigger field.Remember that in your country it may be illegal to play airsoft in a public place.
  3. Be creative.
  4. You don't want to bother someone's dog!
  5. A pile of wood can become "the fort".An open space can become "the field".In this way you will make the different parts of the playing field distinguishable, encouraging communication between players.
  6. Advertising


  • Before you start building, make a plan.Start by drawing a map of the field you have in mind.
  • Be creative!Make your playing field unique, adapting it to your needs.
  • Build the field according to the type of game you intend to play, so as not to place unnecessary structures.
  • Establish rules, such as the maximum number of players on the pitch.Delimits the entrance for players.
  • Have fun!
  • If your group is small, the camp will need to be equally small.
  • Do not play in public places.
  • Advertise your field.


  • Do not play in a busy area.
  • Always ask permission from the owner of the land before using it.
  • At least one person must have a cell phone with them in case of an accident.
  • Make sure the bushes are thornless.
  • If required by law, notify the police before starting the game.Comply with their requests.

Things you will need

  • Land
  • Pale
  • Wood
  • Construction tools (hammer, nails)
  • Friends
  • Creativity
Licensed under: CC-BY-SA

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