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BELLUNO – Another bear is wandering around the province of Belluno.After the specimens that passed through Zoldano and Feltrino between May and June, now a plantigrade was spotted on Mount Roncon (on the Grappa massif, between Seren and Fonzaso).
The animal, informs the Province of Belluno, was photo-trapped last night, from the stationing of a controller who collaborates with the Province and which falls within the scope of the regional control plan for urgent interventions for the containment and prevention of African swine fever.
The camera trap captures a specimen which, according to initial analyzes by experts from the Provincial Police it should be an adult male.The provincial agents assume it is the same bear that at the beginning of July (on the 6th) had hit some apiaries in Sovramonte.Probably the same animal that was reported a few days later not far away, in the Trentino area.In all likelihood the bear is wandering around the area and the invitation of the Provincial Police, addressed to beekeepers, is to take all useful actions to make the apiaries safe.