How to Paint a Motorcycle Tank


Painting the motorcycle tank is a way to personalize it, but not everyone knows how to proceed.The tank is a very sensitive component and there are specific techniques to paint it safely and with an excellent result.Learn how to save the money you would spend at a professional body shop.

  1. Watermark wikiHow to Verniciare il Serbatoio della Motocicletta
    Use a sandblaster to bring the piece to bare metal.This procedure may cause some cracks or holes in the metal, so use a suitable filler to fill any dents.Run 180-grit sandpaper over the surface several times to make it smooth to the touch.
  2. Watermark wikiHow to Verniciare il Serbatoio della Motocicletta
    Cover every point where the rubber seals come into contact with the tank, to prevent paint from seeping inside.This also includes the point of the drain cock, where the fuel float is mounted and the opening area.
  3. Watermark wikiHow to Verniciare il Serbatoio della Motocicletta
    Wait for each layer to dry.After each coat has dried, sand and apply the next.
  4. Watermark wikiHow to Verniciare il Serbatoio della Motocicletta
    Wait until each coat is dry before moving on to the next.
  5. Watermark wikiHow to Verniciare il Serbatoio della Motocicletta
  6. Watermark wikiHow to Verniciare il Serbatoio della Motocicletta
    Wait for it to dry.This product protects the tank from any petrol spills when you refuel.


  • Apply primer and paint only in excellent environmental conditions, to do a good job.Make sure the room is well lit and that the temperature is around 20°C.Relative humidity must be low (less than 50%).Even more important:remember to ventilate the room well.
  • Take a photo of the tank and note all dents and bumps before sanding.This way you will remember where they are, since after sandblasting they will be difficult to see.


  • Completely remove the old paint before applying the new one, to avoid incompatibility problems between the two products.If you are not careful, the residue of the old color will be evident once the job is finished.
  • Before painting the motorcycle tank, pour all the petrol into a tank.Be sure to air out the tank before starting work, as gasoline is flammable.Wait until the inside of the tank no longer smells of petrol, it will take a couple of days.

Things you will need

  • Sandblaster
  • Putty for metal
  • Stucco
  • 180 and 380 grit sandpaper
  • Adhesive tape
  • Cutter
  • Primers
  • Brushes
  • Paint in the colors of your choice
  • Transparent polymer varnish
  • Camera (optional)
  • Airbrush
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