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ROME – It ended in Rome the national assembly of the Anbi (National Association of consortia for the management and protection of the territory and irrigation water), entitled 'What choices after the PNRR - The network of reclamation consortia, a strategic value for the country', to outline a plan against climate change, drought and floods.
On the last day of the event, among others, Antonio Tajani, Vice-President of the Council of Ministers and Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Gilberto Pichetto Fratin, Minister of the Environment and Energy Security (via video link), Stefano Patuanelli, member of the fifth Economic Planning and Budget Commission of the Senate of the Republic, Fabrizio Palermo, Acea CEO, Ettore Prandini, president of Coldiretti.
At the opening of the first panel 'A Blue deal for Water in Europe', for the development of technologies for water efficiency, recycling and pollution reduction, Tajani explained that “We need pragmatic environmentalism, which protects the ecosystem without destroying the work and presence of man, as we will reiterate, as the Italian delegation in the European People's Party, to Ursula Von der Leyen;for this reason some regulations, both in agricultural and industrial policy, are unacceptable for us.The theme water is fundamental for one of the two main sectors of our economy, which is agriculture;for this reason, the issue of invasions is central.A European strategy on the basins is necessary and we have managed to ensure that Rome can be a point of reference for the entire Mediterranean area, because the issue cannot be addressed only at a national level.We made it an important political issue and achieved it the Euro-Mediterranean Water Forum in 2026 it is a choice we have made, because we believe that the theme must also concern the Mediterranean, we must ensure that it also across there can be growth in the use of water in international politics. I will also make a point of this during the two G7s that I will lead:one in Calabria on international trade and another in Pescara on international cooperation. We'll see if we can use diplomacy to convince both the Palestinians and the Israelis, for example, to address the water issue."
For Patuanelli “the Government is doing well on this issue (to combat floods and droughts, ed.).The reservoir plan is fundamental and we must accelerate the intervention times with investments.And then, partnership between public and private is needed for investments aimed at prevention."Connected remotely, Picket Fratin, included in the panel on prevention and emergencies, pointed out:“What was once extraordinary, today it has become ordinary due to drought and floods, we are very worried about the situation in Sicily.The last dams were built 40 years ago and now concrete planning and programming are needed for the future of water resources in Italy."
THECEO of Acea Fabrizio Palermo he explained that “we need to pass the concept of 'net zero water', that is, that every liter of water must be reused as many times as possible.The concept of reuse is a key concept that can grow significantly in Italy, and we are also investing in this with pilot projects.We believe that this may be one of the components of the recipe to tone down the theme.Then there is the issue that the infrastructures are not connected to each other and the movement of water in different areas of the country is always very complex.This is not true for gas and electricity and a reflection must be made on water.We are committed to the basins and reservoirs, a lot can be done there."
At the end of the work the president of Anbi explained, to the Dire Agency, the primary objective of the Assembly:“We want to put the country back at the center the investments needed to respond to the climate crisis– declared Francesco Vincenzi – An investment that means vision and strategy in a country that deserves to be regain your investment capacity to solve this problem and, above all, to give a future to the new generations who want to continue producing and living in our territory.Programming and planning is important, as Reclamation Consortium we are available to offer the country this opportunity, as implementing entities with respect to a national water plan which has a 10-year vision and can finally give a concrete perspective to Italy".