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You are in your office.Grey.Locked up between four walls.You feel bored.Close your eyes and imagine squares rich in art, beautiful historic neighborhoods or exotic islands with vibrant atmospheres, with completely different habits and customs and languages ​​you don't know.Become a tour guide and choose your new "office"!

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Are you tired of buying fishing bait every week?With little more than a piece of string and an old two-liter plastic bottle, you can make a minnow trap to catch those living in the stream near your home.

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Building a dagger is not a simple thing, but with time, patience and attention to detail it can be done.Choose the best materials, create a design you're happy with, and then cut out all the parts before putting them together.

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Whether you're sitting in a waiting room or in line to then sit in another waiting room or you simply have 20 minutes to kill before your next class or appointment, you have to fight against that ephemeral variable that we call Time.It's not hard to beat boredom if you use a little creativity!

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There are some methods that allow you to PAINT and finish stainless steel.You can highlight your project using different techniques, such as liquid paint, powdered pigments, wax, lacquer and patina.Liquid color presents challenges because the stainless steel finish is completely smooth and creates some adhesion problems.However, if you want to change the color of the metal or create a particular surface effect, paint is certainly one of the most suitable solutions.

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Part of the fun of Christmas is enjoying the holiday decorations.In this article you can find some ideas to bring a little Christmas spirit into your home.

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Becoming left-handed if you are right-handed can be an interesting and smart challenge.If you can do this, you will become ambidextrous (a person able to use both hands equally naturally), like many historical figures such as Einstein, Michelangelo, Harry Kahne, Tesla, da Vinci, Fleming and Benjamin Franklin.Being ambidextrous gives you many advantages.For example, you will have an advantage in billiards because you will be able to make shots with both hands, and you will not be uncomfortable with shots that are normally difficult for left-handed or right-handed people;you will have an advantage in tennis because in emergency situations you will be able to play a forehand with your left hand.Learning to use your left hand takes time and patience, but è doable with commitment and an open mind!

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