Antonio Guterres

The weekly round-up on the climate crisis and data on carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere. While world leaders were gathered for the United Nations General Assembly and the subsequent “climate ambition summit”, over 70 thousand climate activists they filled the streets of New York on Sunday 17 September, to ask the President of the United States, Joe Biden, to stop the approval of new fossil fuel projects.The demonstration was supported by more than 700 global climate organizations who participated in protests in numerous other countries. “Thousands of people around the world are returning to the streets to demand that we stop what is killing us.We need to think about who will be living on our planet in 30, 40, 50 years.And negative responses are not contemplated,” he said Democratic Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez during the rally. Among the participants was 8-year-old Athena Wilson of Boca Raton, Florida.She and her mother Maleah flew from Florida to New York.We...

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Data from the European Copernicus service and the World Meteorological Organization confirm yet another increase in temperatures

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Increase from 2.5 to 2.9 degrees by 2100.The report before the Cop28 summit in Dubai

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The top United Nations official told Repubblica:«We must invest massively and globally to address the drivers of forced migration»

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