The first hearing of the so-called "Smog trial" took place in Turin on Tuesday 18 June first trial for eco-defendants ever carried out in Italy.Among the accused are the former mayors of the Piedmontese capital Chiara Appendino and Piero Fassino, as well as the former president of the Piedmont Region Sergio Chiamparino.According to the accusations, between 2015 and 2019, they did not put in place adequate measures to guarantee the protection of air quality of the city of Turin, which today appears to be among the Municipalities more at risk for this type of pollution.For this reason, public administrators are charged with the crime of negligent environmental pollution.According to the prosecutor's consultants, the concentrations above the legal limits of the pollutants recorded in the Turin area would have caused over a thousand premature deaths and several hospital admissions.A second line of investigation, referring to a subsequent period, also sees the current president of...
Frosinone, Turin and Treviso are the cities most at risk of smog in Italy.This is what emerged from the new Legambiente report Mal'Aria di città 2024, drawn up as part of the Clean Cities Campaign, which examined the 2023 data in the provincial capitals, both as regards the levels of fine particles (PM10, PM2.5) than nitrogen dioxide (NO2).“Their current levels – explains Legambiente – have been stable for several years now, in line with current legislation, but remain far from the regulatory limits that will be approved shortly by the EU, scheduled for 2030 and above all from the values suggested by the Organization world health". The report of Legambiente highlighted how the fight against smog in Italian cities still has a long way to go.According to what emerged from the work of the Green Swan researchers, of the 98 cities monitored to date, 18 exceeded the current limits regulations for PM10 exceedances (35 days a year with a daily averag...