The Tuscan governor comments to Open on the protest by farmers and citizens of the Grosseto area, who are asking for a stop to the new plants.But compared to Sardinia, he adds, "ours will be a more nuanced approach"
And consequently also the fishing and agricultural sectors
Under the eyes of bathers and residents, at dawn on the beach of Laigueglia, in the province of Savona, 43 Caretta Caretta turtle eggs hatched:a cage on the beach had protected them
Chiara Gusmeroli and Matteo De Zaiacomo, on a mission for CAI, have opened a new route to the summit of Sckem Braq, in the Nangma Valley:hindered by bad weather and two landslides, they succeeded in the undertaking
The CAI (Italian Alpine Club), Legambiente Sicilia, Lipu and WWF are appealing to the TAR:the objective is to stop the construction of the astronomical observatory on the top of Mount Mufara, in an integral protection area