foreste italiane

While overall in the world the surface area of ​​forests continues to progressively reduce, in Italy it has been growing without interruption since the end of the Second World War.It did so by even recording an expansion of 28% in the thirty years between 1985 and 2015, in which it went from 8.7 to 11.1 million hectares.Italy is thus the second European country - preceded only by Spain - in terms of forest cover.Furthermore, the hectares of sustainably managed forests in Italy rose to 980 thousand in 2023, with an increase of +5.9% compared to the previous year. As demonstrated by the statistics of FAO-UNEP, currently the surface area of ​​forests in the world amounts to a total of 41 billion hectares, representing 31% of the emerged lands and counting around 60 thousand species of trees.54.1% of it is located in the United States, Canada, Brazil, Russia and China.However, over the last 35 years, forest cover has increased across the globe a drop of more than 4%...

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