turismo sostenibile

At the beginning of July the Sardinian regional council has approved a moratorium that blocks the authorization of new plants for the extraction of renewable energy.A decision, although judged timid and not very decisive in the terms in which it was adopted, which represents the first victory of a vast movement born and grown in recent months which defines itself as "against energy speculation" and against "the assault of multinationals" to the Sardinian territory.A movement that is not satisfied and demands that the already approved projects, which are filling Sardinia with wind and solar plants that will serve not to generate energy for the territory, but to make the region a center for energy exports, also be stopped towards mainland Italy and abroad.Also taking part in the protest are over 60 companies and guides dealing with sustainable and naturalistic tourism, who have sent a letter to explain the reasons for their protest.We have decided to publish it in ful...

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