
The Federation of Italian Steel Companies (Federacciai) has signed a memorandum of understanding with the French group EDF and the Italians Edison, Ansaldo Energia and Ansaldo Nucleare with the aim of making Italy «the first nation in Europe and in the world to produce steel “green” thanks to an energy mix that includes nuclear power».The signatories will evaluate the co-investment opportunities in new nuclear power and, in particular, in the creation of small modular reactors (SMR) in Italy.The agreement, although signed in a country like Italy, where the use of nuclear energy was rejected by two referendums in 1987 and 2011, appears in line with the National Energy Climate Plan (PNIEC) of our country, with which the Meloni government has announced it wants to cover with nuclear power 11% of the national energy mix by 2050. The formal purpose ofagreement consists in making Italy a leader in sustainable steel production, or “green steel” For thi...

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The weekly round-up on the climate crisis and data on carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere. The recovery from the pandemic first, the war in Ukraine and then a dry summer, triggered an earthquake in the energy markets, so much so that Europe in May 2022 with the plan RePowerEU has decided to progressively cut its dependence on Russian gas and review its own upwards objectives for the energy transition. Italy also moved quickly to reorganize its own gas supplies, in view of a possible interruption of that coming from Russia, on which Italy, until a few months ago, depended for around 40% of its consumption. In the aftermath of the Russian invasion, the Draghi government did not hesitate to send the then foreign minister to Algeria Luigi Di Maio, accompanied by the CEO of ENI, Claudio Descalzi, to forge agreements that would guarantee Italy supplies of alternative gas to the Russian one.At the beginning of the new year, the Meloni government completed those agreements and also signed...

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