Kais Saied
As has often happened in recent years, the Cutro shipwreck overnight turned the spotlight back on the massacres in the Mediterranean, but not on the authoritarian and repressive contexts of the countries of transit or departure.According to the Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni, and the Minister of the Interior, Matteo Piantedosi, the solution would be simple:“They shouldn't have left,” they said, without taking into consideration that the sea journey is only the latest in a long series of risks that migrants take, most of them before embarking.Minister Piantedosi's statements to the press confirm the tendency of Italian politics to re-propose a formula that has already demonstrated its limits, and which is based on the allocation of more funds to the countries of departure in exchange for a tougher border control policy .Demonstrating why this recipe doesn't work is one of the main starting countries, into which Italy has injected more funds:Tunisia. In recent weeks, the poli...