Black day for the environment yesterday in Strasbourg, where the less ambitious line on the reduction of plastic packaging was passed and the cut in pesticides by 2030 was rejected.In the first case, although the general objectives of reducing plastic waste have been confirmed by the EU chamber, the prohibition of use for some packaging defined as "non-essential".To Italy's great satisfaction, a series of exemptions on reuse obligations for specific industrial sectors.However, no negotiating position was found for the issue of cutting pesticides by 2030.In fact, the report by the Green MEP, Sarah Wiener, on the European Commission's proposal focusing on the sustainable use of pesticides, which would have represented Parliament's mandate in negotiations with the Member States, was rejected. With 426 yes, 125 no and 74 abstentions, the European Parliament adopted the negotiating mandate on the regulation on packaging and packaging waste resizing in a very significant way the pr...